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    what do you do with your mac?

    try using Top and look at usage there.... is using Top what is creating the usage of CPU that is showing in Terminal? thanks
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    what do you do with your mac?

    i have a question..... why do people leave the Terminal window open all the time? it constantly uses at least 10% of CPU..... one would think it might slow down other processes.....
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    Lynksys router

    hello everyone i am finally going to get a router and i need it for two things.... sharing my RoadRunner cable modem and file sharing between my G3 and my Cube... will this router do the trick?? i have always heard good things...
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    [HOWTO] - Use iTunes as an alarm clock

    hey symphonix that sounds pretty simple except i don't know how to get cron running to insert my info..... could you give me a some brief directions? thanks a lot!:D
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    Windows XP

    rocks in the head, that is..... yet another blatant ripoff of Apple's Windoze is a digital hub! no originality at all.... hey, that's OK........this is of freedom of choice....... Peace:D
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    [HOWTO] - Increase your mouse's MAX speed...

    thanks Zoid!:D i have the CD that i got with the full Monty..... will install from there..... did you notice any speed improvements from the prebinding.... i have seen that some see a difference, and others don't...
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    [HOWTO] - Increase your mouse's MAX speed...

    hi Zoid was it OK to install the developer tools after using OSX.1 for a while? i thought maybe it had to be done on in initial install? any thoughts on this would be appreciated... :D
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    [HOWTO] - Use iTunes as an alarm clock

    hey tieng! that looks like a great script ...i am gonna give it a try..... one thing, does it work if the computer goes to sleep? i guessed it would due to using cron, but not sure.... thanks:D
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    troubleshooting OSX.1

    thanks jimr will definitely make bakups if i trash something...... right now, things are humming along nicely.....OSX.1 runs superbly on my Cube.....:D
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    Awsome: The Doctor Is In. Easter egg!!!

    i thought someone had indicated that you needed that to get the emacs easter egg to work......oops!:D
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    Awsome: The Doctor Is In. Easter egg!!!

    i did not install developer tools and emac works fine for me.... wonder what that means.....:rolleyes:
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    troubleshooting OSX.1

    hello everyone if you are having trouble with an app in OSX.1 are there any pref files that can be trashed in a similar manner to doing it in OS9 to try to clear up problems? actually i am running flawlessly with OSX.1, but the thought came to me and i wanted to see what everyone...
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    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    hey efoivx! you are so right on about that! and i am sure that there will be many apps like TinkerTool for people who would rather not use the Terminal directly, although it is fun to work with.....i just gotta learn more of it......the man's are a little difficult to get all the entry info...
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    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    thanks a lot Efoivx! man i feel stupid......i have TinkerTool and never noticed that..... anyways, now i know how to move it all over...:D tell me there any way to make it so the app windows recognize the edge of the dock so they don't open underneath it? thanks
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    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    hey KSV how did you get that dock up there?!! i like that!! thanks
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    SCREW Epson - Printing To Unsuported Printers!

    hey Captain are you using the 3000dv with OSX? if so, how is with it running on that?? i have been thinking about getting one of those and was wondering what the performance was compared to Apple's 5400rpm drives..... thanks
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    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    nice desktop serpicolugnut! btw, where did you get that Observatory dock icon? i like that... thanks
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    SCREW Epson - Printing To Unsuported Printers!

    hey Brodie i found a driver, for the SC640....i have the you think i can hack that? if so, what are you using to do it?? thanks a lot!!:D
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    OSX chess game

    hello everyone has anyone figured out how to flip the chess board in the chess game? i prefer to play black, but when you play human vs. computer, white is always on my side, whether i play white or black.....most chess games allow you to flip the board, but i cannot find that in this...
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    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    thanks a lot funkyoucrew!! :D