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  1. pbreteau

    New unlined theme

    I made a new unlined theme based on MetamorphX ones, this one has a new apple menu and I modified the menu bar too. I hope you'll like it, here it is : Mac OS X (ou en francais) Let's download it ! Pierre
  2. pbreteau

    Change Apple menu icon.

    I made a theme that just changes the apple menu icon. I didn't like the blue one very much. Mac OS X Let's download it ! Pierre
  3. pbreteau

    MRTG/SNMPD for Mac OS X

    I'm looking for SNMPD for Mac OS X, I don't want to compile it myself but I would like to run mrtg on my iMac running Mac OS X. Moreover, fink doesn't find anything when I ask it to download and install SNMP or SNMPD. Is there a website where I could find it ? or at least, is there a FAQ or...
  4. pbreteau

    New icon set for Mac OS X.

    I made a new HIToolBox.rsrc file based on new icons from Xicons[dot]com. They look like Mac OS X server ones (former Rhapsody), I'm a bit nostalgic, that's why I did that. Download it now ! You still can get old ones at : Mac OS X Pierre
  5. pbreteau and IMAP is wonderful ... for POP3 accounts. When I want to use my IMAP accounts, it loads my folders from the server and says "You have new mail" but there is no folder where I can take a look at this (new) mail. For example, I've it downloads my folders "sent_mail" and "to_keep" and all the...
  6. pbreteau

    Looking for Rhapsody's Screenshots.

    I had installed Rhapsody DR2 on an old PC but removed it. I was really excited by this OS, so does anybody has screenshots of it ? Pierre
  7. pbreteau customization & Tangerine Theme. I've just made a little web page with a few things to customize Mac OS X. For now, there is not a lot of things but I'm working on it. Hope it will help ... Pierre.
  8. pbreteau

    Icon from Mac OS X Server

    I saw the pictures icons (jpeg files or gif files) for Mac OS X server and I would like to get them for my Mac OS X 10.0.3. For instance, I'd like to get the .gif icon that is in the dock on the screenshot here. If anybody can help ...