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  1. Z

    MacWorld Announcements

    I will try to update all of you as announcement progresses.... :)
  2. Z

    Podcasts Are On!!!

    Hi everyone, i live in Greece and i just noticed that itms has now podcasts... more details to follow!!! ::ha::
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    Watercooling on iMac G5???

    If you check out the pictures of the iMac G5 you can see that the water cooling mechanism has been changed a bit? Would anyone think that the new system woul prompt us to a possible G5 PB in the distant future?
  4. Z

    New Powerbook end of June

    Hello everyone, well i currently own a G4 500MHz pb ti but i am going to get a new one around the end of june. Do you think if until then we will see any new powerbook updates? :(
  5. Z

    Renault using the Apple logo!!!

    I am watching TV here in Greece at this late hour 2.30am. There is a new Renault Clio advertisment here and at the start it displays an apple which is exactly like the Apple Logo!!! Well i guess that maybe there are some lawsuits to come!!!
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    Canon Powershot A40/Silk IE!!!

    Ok i had a Minolta Dimage x and it got stolen so now i am going to buy a Canon Powershot A40 can someone tell me if the camera is supported under 10.1.5? Another thing, I have installed the silk application and IE is dragging has anybody experienced the same? :mad:
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    Greek Characters

    I have one major problem complaint. That has to do with Greek characters in web browsers. Mozilla:dissapointing IE:dissapointing /some letters are totaly **** up OW:Great Chimera:dont exist but i can't blame them Now if you go to and see at the Greek characters on all...
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    Apple Timetable!!!Guess work!!

    3rd of june 2002 Mac OS X 10.1.5 17th june 2002 Motorola announces new processor speeds!! 1st July 2002 IMAC updates 17th July 2002 PowerMacs next ? What do you think? august is normally a "dead" month so i dont supose much will happen ..... Sptember though i think we will have...
  9. Z

    Static (elec) PB G4 500

    Hi there, I have been experiencing some very high static charges on my powrbook since the day i bought it. It is mainly on the titanium parts around the keyboard/pad. The problem is that it makes it really difficult for me to work with it when it is plugged in. Has anyone elses...
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    News Groups Reader(Binary Groups)

    Hello guys, I am coming from the pc world and i got used to MACOSX within a week. Now i am at the position were my pc is gone and i am only using MACs. The only application at the momment that is missing is a good lean newsgroup reader. I am involved a lot with binary newsgroups and i used...
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    DIVX playback problem

    MACOS 10.1.4 DIVX Alpha Well the problem i am having is that when i amtrying to play a movie that has been converted with AVI2MOV or that is DIVX the quicktime application becomes unstable and instead of picture i get various squares all with different colours. Also i get a terminal...
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    Minolta Dimage X for iPhoto

    I am in the process of buying a new digital camera. Does anybody have the Minolta Dimage X and if so could you tell me if it works with iPhoto? Thanks a lot
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    APPLE webmail???

    Hello guys, i was browsing through apple's site with my windows machine today at uni and i came to a page that had information for webmail and that it was still in beta version. I checked my email etc there but when i tried to go back after about 5 minutes i could not find the page anymore...
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    Finally !!!!PC for sale

    Ok People finnaly i am putting my pc up for sale.Until now i was using both a pc and a mac but from now on the MAC has everything i need. I am selling my pc and i am getting a powermac. Anybody else has gone the same road as well???:cool:
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    Is your son a hacker!!!!!!!What the f***?

    Please go and read this. I read through it and at the end of it i wanted to throw my precious Powerbook out of the window!! I cant believe parents like that actually exist.....comments about AMD and Lunix are No1!!!!;sid=2001/12/2/42056/2147
  16. Z

    I need your help!!!!!!!!!!

    Please i need your help!!!! I have a PB Ti 500 and i am experiiencing some severe difficulty with the ethernet. I am using the ethernet port to connect directly to a DHCP modem. I know for sure the modem works as it is ok under Linux,Windows and on my new quicksilver. I am running MAC...
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    Formatting os 9.2 partition

    Ok i have to partitions on my hard disk one for 10.1 and one for 9.2 how do i erase the 9.2 partition without erasing 10.1. All help appreciated.
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    The price tag

    I will write something very sort for all of you to read please. I am doing a PHD in computer systems engineering in the UK. As a result I get to meet lots of student, professors etc etc. I happen to be able to use a PC running WIN XP, another running Linux and I recently purchased a...
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    When will u change yr Ti?

    I was just wondering when people will be replacing their Ti. I saw the new ones are just out but the one i have at the momment does its job very well so no need to update yet. I will do though on the next update release. Thank a lot.
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    Problem with Toast beta 2 under os x.1

    My toast software does not seem to recognise my internal DVD drive on my titanium 500 please is there anything i can do for it to work. I am trying to select it from preferences but it is not shown there. Also how can i make a cd copy from within the finder? Thank you very much