Search results

  1. N

    Upgrading from Mac OS X 10.1 to OS X 10.3

    I currently have Mac OS X v10.1, but I wanted to upgrade to Mac OS X v10.3.9. My question is, where do I go to to download it and is it free?
  2. N

    Mac OS X Not Starting Up Properly

    When I start my computer, a small box with a blue globe inside comes on and blinks for about 7 minutes. Then a tiny folder with a question mark, and the finder icon inside comes on blinks for another 7 minutes. After that it begins to load normally. Why is it doing this, and how can I stop it...
  3. N

    QuickTime 7

    Does anyone know where I can download quicktime 7 for free?
  4. N

    Cookie Removal

    Can you give me a step by step process for the removal of cookies from my computer. Also how do I obtain updates for my computer.
  5. N

    Cookie Removal

    Can you give me a step by step process for the removal of cookies from my computer.
  6. N

    Mac OS X Not Starting Up Properly

    I held down the X key and still no response.
  7. N

    Mac OS X Not Starting Up Properly

    I have a Mac OS X, but when I start it, it automatically goes into Mac OS 9. I can't do anything, because it won't get past the loading screen. The starting up bar only loads halfway, til it freezes. I don't know if it crashed or anything. What do I need to do to get past this?
  8. N

    Problem Booting into OS 9

    Hello, my name is Nijah. I'm new to this site, so I hope someone can help me. My problem is, the starting up bar on my Mac OS 9.2 screen loads up 1/4of the way before freezing up. I'm asking anyone that's heard or had this problem, if they could tell me what to do.