Problem Booting into OS 9


Hello, my name is Nijah. I'm new to this site, so I hope someone can help me. My problem is, the starting up bar on my Mac OS 9.2 screen loads up 1/4of the way before freezing up. I'm asking anyone that's heard or had this problem, if they could tell me what to do.
Welcome to the forum. Be sure to include a small description in your title next time like "Problem Booting into OS 9" instead of "HElp Me Please!!!!!!!!!!1!"...that way those that are viewing the list of new threads can get a quick idea of your problem. You'll find that if you put non-descriptive titles that you'll probably end up with less help otherwise.

Now, to your problem. Have you tried holding down Shift right after you here the Macintosh startup chime? This will disable all extensions and control panels (like Safe Mode in Windows). If it boots all the way, then your problem is probably related to either a conflict with an extension or a control panel.

You'll have to enable them one by one using the Extensions Manager (located under the Control Panels menu listing on the Apple menu at the top left). Set it to Mac OS 9.2 base and reboot. If it boots up all the way successfully, go back to the Extensions Manager and enable each extensions or and control panel one by one and reboot each time you enable one. Yes, it's annoying and takes time, but this is really the only way to pinpoint which extension/control panel is causing the problem.

Good luck.
What version of OS X are you running on what Mac? I know on PPC macs an older DivX QuickTime plugin messed with Classic a ways back. That has been fixed for a while though.
What version of OS X are you running on what Mac? I know on PPC macs an older DivX QuickTime plugin messed with Classic a ways back. That has been fixed for a while though.

From what he mentioned, he's running Mac OS 9.2. No mention of OS X.