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  1. T

    MySQL will not start

    "ls -la | more"
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    MySQL will not start

    Hi, The simplest thing is to use and enter: ls -la | more in your HOME folder. Cheers Darren.
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    MySQL will not start

    Hi, I believe you can just delete the folders along with any preference files in the two "Library" locations and in hidden "." files in $HOME. Cheers Darren.
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    MySQL will not start

    Hi, If you follow the two links I posted earlier you should be fine. That said, in the end I simply downloaded MAMP and used that. Much easier. Cheers Darren.
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    Keyboard firmware update after "Archive and Install"

    Hi, I had call to run "archive and install" on my Intel Mac Book Pro the other day. After running it and then applying all of the updates listed in "software update" I am experiencing the keyboard problem where the first key press gets missed. Looking in the "Installed Updates" list I...
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    Best ADSL router for remote access?

    Hi, I'm helping someone choose a Mac. They are looking at an iMac. I have a Macbook pro and an Airport Extreme wireless access point behind a Netgear ADSL modem. Is there an advantage in him getting an Airport Extreme too? I need to be able to remote access his iMac to provide support...
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    MySQL will not start

    Hi, There are a few issues with MySQL on Leopard. Follow these two links. If you do what they suggest you will get a working MySQL installation with MySQL Preference pane:
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    MBP tries to sync to iMac account. How to stop?

    Hi, Any idea how to stop my Macbook Pro from trying to sync iCal etc. with a .Mac account? I don't have a .Mac account, but I get the sync icon in the top status bar anyway. Is there a way to turn that off? Cheers D.
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    Charging battery from empty makes fans come on full

    Hi, Any idea why my fans come full on when charging the battery from empty or near empty? iStat shows the overall temperature to be about 60-70 C during the initial charge. Cheers D.
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    Moving default Applications breaks auto-run links

    Hi, Thanks for the quick reply. I understand the link point, but don't understand why some of the links were automatically updated, but some weren't. For example, I have CyberDuck (FTP client) installed. I dragged the CyberDuck icon to the Dock, and it works fine. If I then move...
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    Moving default Applications breaks auto-run links

    Hi, Macbook Pro, 10.5.2 I have installed a lot of software. Consequently the Applications folder is getting quite busy. I created some sub-folders and moved the applications around. Nice tidy Applications folder, but now some things don't work. Some of the links in the Dock handled...
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    Freezing MacbookPro

    Hi, Do you have Intego Virus Barrier installed? I got random freezes on my MBP until I switched it off. No freezes since. Cheers D.