Search results

  1. J

    Front Screen bezel

    Unfortunately Miles, your in the same boat as just about every other MBP user with this problem, and getting hold of a bezel is like getting hold of hens teeth! I searched and searched for months and eventually gave up, but I'm sure if your patient enough your eventually find one, probably set...
  2. J

    Grey screen then boots...?

    Perfect, thanks! (Again) :)
  3. J

    Grey screen then boots...?

    Have just installed a larger drive in my MBP (Seagate 250gb 7200rpm). Cloned from previous drive (Seagate 160GB 7200rpm) using CCC but now when I turn on I get grey screen for 10secs then boots into OS. Never done this before drive. Checked condition of drive before and after installing and...
  4. J

    Installing Snow Leopard via Target Disk Mode...

    Excellent, thanks! Another great tip :)
  5. J

    Installing Snow Leopard via Target Disk Mode...

    I've found out how to do it ... ( ), I see what your getting at, nice! Damn it's quick! :) Cheers J
  6. J

    Installing Snow Leopard via Target Disk Mode...

    Excuse me for being a bit dumb but I don't quite get it, how do you do the installs from an external drive? Could you explain the procedure? Thanks in advance! ;)
  7. J

    Installing Snow Leopard via Target Disk Mode...

    Yes sorry I mean I have the G5 in Target Disk Mode so using the MBP as the external HDD via Firewire. But I didn't think you could install from the a Hard drive has to be from the disc?
  8. J

    Official Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Thread & FAQ

    I've already installed Leopard via Target Disk Mode to MBP, this worked fine, although took a while, not crazy really when your short of cash to buy a replacement CD/DVD drive, you kinda work with what you got ;) So I the answer is no as I have a PPC, I guess I'll have to wait....
  9. J

    Installing Snow Leopard via Target Disk Mode...

    I have a Macbook Pro A1229 (Santa Clara) with a broken CD/DVD Drive and would like to install Snow Leopard. I also have a G5 PPC running Leopard. Can I use the MBP in Target Disk Mode through the G5 to install Snow Leopard ?
  10. J

    Official Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Thread & FAQ

    On a similar Tip. I have a macbook pro A1229 santa clara model but the CD/DVD drive doesnt work. I also have a G5 PPC. My question is... Can I use my G5 to install Snow Leopard on the macbook pro via target mode ?
  11. J

    Front Screen bezel

    Thanks and I hear what your saying. I've already removed the bezel from the LCD, this was fairly simple, just having to be careful that's all, I did this on the assumption that you could get the part. I fix/repair laptops for a living, mainly PC's so Macs are rather a new kind of beast for me...
  12. J

    Front Screen bezel

    Sorry to hear about yours, yes it is a nightmare, still deciding what to do
  13. J

    Front Screen bezel

    Hi There I have a Macbook Pro 17 inch 2.4Ghz (Santa Rosa), Model A1229. The front screen bezel has 2 cracks both on either side from what seems to be caused by the hinge screws becoming loose in turn creating too much stress on the bezel. My question is.. does anyone know of where I...
  14. J

    Losing time,date and wireless settings

    Hi There I have a G5 Duel 2GHz Power PC, Recently I was losing the time, date and wireless settings so I assumed as my machine is now 4 years old the PRAM battery was up for renewal. This has now been replaced but I'm still losing my settings, not all the time but randomly, sometimes I...
  15. J

    Unable to resize volume using disk uitility...

    My goal is to simply separate the data and make things tidy. I have many movie files and the rest are samples, song files/audio, etc. I just wanted to divide it for that reason but I can live with it. I already have 2 back-up external drives.
  16. J

    G5 randomly loses time and date and wireless settings

    Hi There Have a G5 Dual 2GHz Power PC, Recently I was losing the time, date and wireless settings so I assumed as my machine is now 4 years old the PRAM battery was up for renewal. This has now been replaced but I'm still losing my settings, not all the time but randomly (maybe a few days...
  17. J

    Unable to resize volume using disk uitility...

    Yes your right 930gb drive.. So even though technically it should be able to divide the drive intp 2 equal partititons of 465GB it can't because it needs more room to move data about? I'm sure I've already tried the 250GB option, But I'll give it another go when I get in later. Although I...
  18. J

    Unable to resize volume using disk uitility...

    As, Like you say, this is more to do with older Macs i.e. G3/G4, it wouldn't work with a G5 and intel macs anyway and apparently disk utility should see it! The other alternative I have found is that you can obtain an e-sata PCI card with an internal connector, this is the work around. Jamie
  19. J

    Unable to resize volume using disk uitility...

    it does seem that it's in the BIOS. And even though I have a 1TB drive leopard may only be able to see 750GB. Ok, so a 3rd party software may be the answer, could you tell me what it is you used please? Thanks Jamie
  20. J

    Unable to resize volume using disk uitility...

    I'm struggling with this one... Trying to resize and existing volume using disk utility on Leopard. Have a 1TB internal Drive with 1 Partition (extended Journal), not a boot drive this is just for data, now want to add another partition (2 Volumes), in effect shrinking the size of the...