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  1. P

    USB Printer Sharing

  2. P

    USB Printer Sharing

    I've got an HP 810c. It's an alright printer. I've got that printer plugged into a G4 tower (AGP). It's a nice tower. I've also got a G4 powerbook. It's a really nice laptop. Both of these computers are running OS X, and both are on the same network. It's a sweet set up. I'd like...
  3. P

    samba pkg??

    Could some nice person please make a samba package for the new OS X (retail)??
  4. P

    I gots the final. :)

    All that and you still manage to post more than anyone on this site.
  5. P

    "I'm 'a drop the FUNK bomb on ya!!"

    Do not attempt to adjust your web browser, I have taken over to bring you this very special message: This is something that I've been laughing about for sometime now (and hinting at with the language of some of my posts) but with George Clinton playing such a big role in this new iTunes...
  6. P

    I gots the final. :)

    You make it sound so easy!! Nah, for reals. I work so damned much (often 60+ a week) that it's hard to find time to meet girls. Plus, when I'm not working I'm either practicing music, on a hike, or at a Jazz concert. I suppose it's my own fault as these aren't the best places to meet women...
  7. P

    I gots the final. :)

    I'm doing my best from going off topic and telling you why (despite the obvious CSS thing, which is on the way) OmniWeb is a great browser. I will say this, all the items that you dissed IE for, work great in OmniWeb. Go spend some more time with it. MacOS X 'Cocoa' apps have support for the...
  8. P

    I gots the final. :)

    Where can I get a girlfriend like that??
  9. P

    "New" things in Ten Ten

    You know about holding the option key while opening windows in the finder, right? If you don't, here's what it does: it closes the parent window. I've been opening 9 out of 10 finder windows this way since system 7. (I'm twenty, and yet I can remember being excited about upgrading to system...
  10. P

    cdrecord and macos x / darwin

    I just received an email from the author of the program and he says that it does work in MacOS X but, interestingly enough, not in Darwin because he said that Apple removed SCSI support from Darwin. I did get the program to run, but haven't tried to burn anything yet (being that it's CLI I...
  11. P

    Netscape for X?

    You forgot, you also have a boss who's hired several photoshop artists. He sends you massive PSD files and says turn this into a webpage..."don't you love this design". To be honest, we've got some amazing graphic designers in my group, but they just don't design html pages. At least that's...
  12. P

    Netscape for X?

    Mozilla is open-source now man. Doesn't that mean anything to you?? AOL doesn't even bundle Netscape (or Mozilla) with it's software, they bundle IE. AOL didn't buy netscape for the browser, they bought it for the domain name/website. Your missing the point of HTML 4/CSS. This lets you...
  13. P

    cdrecord and macos x / darwin

    You are wrong, it's cool though. The ftp link ajmas provided is for the macos x port. The web page also mentions specifically a macos x port. Of course, I coudn't get it to work, but that's another story. The man page is here. Looks really interesting. On the Toast tip: toast is cool...
  14. P

    Netscape for X?

    I'm not a big fan of DHTML, but c'mon dissing javascript, and css?? I'm with Hob here in the feeling that CSS is one of the most important features of modern html. Strobe, you diss Netscape, and then you talk as though you would rather stick with html 3.2, the horrible compromised version of...
  15. P

    Netscape for X?

    I don't know exactly what all of this meant but here's my response: Are you saying that it's harder to code sites for IE than Netscape 4.x? N4 is possibly the most anti-standards compliant browser ever! It has terrible CSS support and it's Javascript is wack!! On top of that, netscape 4...
  16. P

    Netscape for X?

    Mozilla/Fizilla owns!!! The ultimate (rock, rockin' it). Sure it's moving along rather slowly, but given time (maybe a lot), it's going to be the most rock & roll browser of all time. (Until then, I'll use OmniWeb and Opera) Oh, and netscape 4.x totally doesn't rock. It's caused web...
  17. P

    4K29 section

    Unstable?? No, it's perfectly stable. Actually there was this one bug. You know how the dock resizes itself to make room when you open programs? Well, if you have the doc on the side of the screen set to auto-hide and quit a program, it resizes back into the screen. Here's an example. See...
  18. P

    Killing OS X

    So I tried diggin' on OS X's funk for a while, like you suggested, and you know what? I like it. I don't just like it, I'm really liking it, and only see it getting better. But you know what really did it for me? Putting the dock on the right side of the screen (ala NEXT). Bam!! Suddenly...
  19. P

    4K29 section

    Duh?!? No, I'm not a developer. I'm not complaining about features not being implemented yet, I'm complaining about features that were here (4k17) and are now gone (4k29). I'm not using 4k29, I just read about it in the wincent article. I don't really care what features are on the beta...
  20. P

    4K29 section

    Man, what's apple smoking?? You can't customize the docks placement anymore?? I just read the wincent review. I just can't imaging have to put the dock back down at the bottom of the screen, it's so much easier on the side. Especially if you've got one of these new fangled powebook G4...