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  1. drlego

    Ok PHP Problem Now

    This is what I did. I went into the library dir and deleted the php4 dir. Then I went into the library/recipts dir and deleted php4.pkg I then re-installed the complete php4 pkg from serverlogistics. rebooted and wamo! It worked! I suggest anyone who will messing around with php...
  2. drlego

    Ok PHP Problem Now

    Did a search for PHP in the httpd.conf file. Got "could not be found" So it seems there are no php commands in httpd.conf. Now what I do?
  3. drlego

    Ok PHP Problem Now

    To the best of my knowledge , yes. It said if I had complete apache installed, should go right in. If I had old apache, I would need to add some lines to httpd.conf Also said to turn web sharing off which I never use anyway. Any ideas?
  4. drlego

    Ok PHP Problem Now i went to serverlogic and got complete apache complete mysql and complete php I installed them in that order as well. My SQL running! Yay! Apache Running But when I try to run a php test page it no work. I noticed there is a php4 folder in the library folder. Should that...
  5. drlego

    Looking to get started.

    For learning dreamweaver, photoshop, and hundreds of other apps. check out they have online training in a series of quicktime files! I have really learned alot there! I think its like 29.95 per month to join.....but well worth it. So join for a month and...
  6. drlego

    Tips for freelance web design work?

    Don't lift a finger without having your client sign a contract! I have built several sites without an agreement back in the day, and they usually ended up in a financial dispute. In your web contract it should state deposit, mid payment, and final payment. The client should also sign off...
  7. drlego

    mysql problem

    Thanks! Are there any other good tutorials or step by step type guides for working with mysql and php on osx? Thanks again. Lego
  8. drlego

    mysql problem

    Hi all, I have installed mysql 4.0 standard pkg on my G4. I go into usr/local/mysql/bin I type sudo ./mysqld_safe Asks for pswd so I type it in....then terminal seems to lock. I get no response. I type control c and pop back outout. When I type mysql I get response command...