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  1. M

    iPod beta!

    Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there an Audion skin of that OS X app? Mac Guru
  2. M

    OS of

    And your point is...?
  3. M

    Other platforms?

    I talked to a friend of mine at Apple about the "/* Button title in alert to confirm restarting the computer into DOS/Windows (Intel computers only). */ "Restart in DOS"="Restart in DOS"; He stated that it is a leftover string from the Rhapsody days when OpenStep ran on Intel hardware and...
  4. M

    Adobe attitude

    Adobe has always stated that they are dedicated to the Macintosh platform and will always be headstrong in developing the latest products and services for the Mac. They make PC versions too simply cause there's money to be made and big companies love the green stuff. I have noticed more and...
  5. M


    Exactly... it's a darn 1.0 release not to mention a whole new OS. I pitty the fool that thinks a software company could come out with something brand new and somehow pack all the features into the initial release. If that was possible at all then screw apple for not giving us all the...
  6. M


    "Apparently, the reason for lack of DVD playback in OSX is directly related to the recent hacks such as DeCSS and qrpff (,1284,42259,00.html). Since DVD decryption is done in software now, if these new Linux-based hacks were combined with Apple's new CD-RW...
  7. M

    Install takes 12 hours!!!

    Yeah... I can throw it in the G4 and it installs in 6 min. Thing is it's not stable and it won't let me go back to OS 9 from the iMac. Odd little bugger. Mac Guru
  8. M

    Install takes 12 hours!!!

    I am on a 333MHz iMac with 96MB RAM and a 40Gig HD. My question is WHY does it take 10-15 hours to install the Public Beta? I'd love to be able to test out the beta and even run Final but how can I do that if it takes all that time to install? Please help. Mac Guru