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  1. N

    The first REAL crash

    Also noticed that.. very strange.. Just had another crash where it seems that the Dock was the one to blame.. had to force a hardware reboot.. wasnt OS X the stability itself? =)
  2. N

    The first REAL crash

    Connected thru modem and was just about to get mail from one of my accounts.. Had IE5.1beta loading a site which wasnt responding. Was just about to read on of the new mail ive recivied.. then boom.. couldnt do anything.. it just froze.. the mouse pointer was function but nothing...
  3. N

    Any news on the G4/G5 progress ?

    Like to participate with my visions of the future when reading yours =) PowerBook Ti - right way to go.. put in a Nvidia GeForce 2 Mobile until 3 has gone mobile (probb more than a year ahead)..Or RADEON Mobile.. BTO options would be it.. Then fix the anoying hatch in the back, where the...
  4. N

    Horrendous local-user security hole in 4k73

    What about the possibility to start the computer holding the ALT button down to boot into the mode when seeing every possible startup disks? When installed OS X and Classic you then get access to the OS9 startup disk in this mode.. just boot and you have full access in the disks.. I have the...