MOSR, AppleInsider and ThinkSecret are not focusing on processors news theses times.
Apple has launched 733 G4 PowerMacs, and it is a good move, but is is only 233 MHz + in more than a year !!
Motorola research team rocks since G4 is a better µP than any Pentium or AMD, but Moto production team really suck since 1GHz PIII is better than 733 G4 (John Carmak debate...).
A good article in ArsTechnica show us the G4 is better designed than AMD(P7), and is ready for optimisations and improvments (sorry I have lost the link). However P7 have advantages (more processing units) and is similar to the G4 in many ways. This article demonstrate that CISC and RISC debate is terminated, we are in the post-RISC era, and both P7 and G4 are post-RISC processors.
This MHz gap has to be reduced very very quickly !!!
Any news on Moto researches ? On PowerPC alliance (AMD participation on G4 production and improvments ?), any news on G5 advancment and scheduling ?
Any news on Altivec patent to be bought by Apple or rights of production sold to AMD ?
I don't care if PCs are as fast as Macs, since MacOS is better (in my opinion). But if Macintosh becomes slower than the best PC, I will have a bad feeling.
Steve Jobs said to analysts that Macs are to be the BEST computers, and it is the reason why low-end iMac costs 100$ more : all macs have FireWire now !
So BEST computers have to reach best speeds !!!
Good work Apple, good work Motorola research team, but please find QUICKLY a way to procuce 1+ GHz G4 !!
I don't want to see 1.5 GHz G5 with 3 GHz Pentiums VI...
We have to reach 1 GHz at last for MWNY 2001. And we have to reach same (or near) MHz frequencies than Pentiums in 6 months max (autumn 2001).
By 2002 we have to reach and keep parity (minimum) with PC procs.
Of course, more processing units (integer, foating point...), more Altivec modules (and true 64 bits with MacOS X 64 bits for early 2002).
And hardware have to be improved to have the best computers :
+ true UMA-2 architecture
+ Ultra-ATA 100 (minimum)
+ AGP 8x as soon as it comes to the market
+ 200 MHz system bus as soon as possible
+ 128 Mb MIN (low end iMacs) and 196 Mb MIN (G4s)
+ DVD/CD-RW combo as soon as possible in all models except SuperDrive
+ Surround sound, 32 bits, and a Mic-In is all models
+ WebCam in iMacs
Those improvments are not easy to implement, and I'm sure Apple is working hard on these. But I don't want our favorite platform to miss that train. Not now ! Not with this great MacOS X coming !
Go Apple Go !!! All your job is great, and I am expecting great things from you !
MacOS X is a killer !! Let's make killer Hardware now
Apple has launched 733 G4 PowerMacs, and it is a good move, but is is only 233 MHz + in more than a year !!
Motorola research team rocks since G4 is a better µP than any Pentium or AMD, but Moto production team really suck since 1GHz PIII is better than 733 G4 (John Carmak debate...).
A good article in ArsTechnica show us the G4 is better designed than AMD(P7), and is ready for optimisations and improvments (sorry I have lost the link). However P7 have advantages (more processing units) and is similar to the G4 in many ways. This article demonstrate that CISC and RISC debate is terminated, we are in the post-RISC era, and both P7 and G4 are post-RISC processors.
This MHz gap has to be reduced very very quickly !!!
Any news on Moto researches ? On PowerPC alliance (AMD participation on G4 production and improvments ?), any news on G5 advancment and scheduling ?
Any news on Altivec patent to be bought by Apple or rights of production sold to AMD ?
I don't care if PCs are as fast as Macs, since MacOS is better (in my opinion). But if Macintosh becomes slower than the best PC, I will have a bad feeling.
Steve Jobs said to analysts that Macs are to be the BEST computers, and it is the reason why low-end iMac costs 100$ more : all macs have FireWire now !
So BEST computers have to reach best speeds !!!
Good work Apple, good work Motorola research team, but please find QUICKLY a way to procuce 1+ GHz G4 !!
I don't want to see 1.5 GHz G5 with 3 GHz Pentiums VI...
We have to reach 1 GHz at last for MWNY 2001. And we have to reach same (or near) MHz frequencies than Pentiums in 6 months max (autumn 2001).
By 2002 we have to reach and keep parity (minimum) with PC procs.
Of course, more processing units (integer, foating point...), more Altivec modules (and true 64 bits with MacOS X 64 bits for early 2002).
And hardware have to be improved to have the best computers :
+ true UMA-2 architecture
+ Ultra-ATA 100 (minimum)
+ AGP 8x as soon as it comes to the market
+ 200 MHz system bus as soon as possible
+ 128 Mb MIN (low end iMacs) and 196 Mb MIN (G4s)
+ DVD/CD-RW combo as soon as possible in all models except SuperDrive
+ Surround sound, 32 bits, and a Mic-In is all models
+ WebCam in iMacs
Those improvments are not easy to implement, and I'm sure Apple is working hard on these. But I don't want our favorite platform to miss that train. Not now ! Not with this great MacOS X coming !
Go Apple Go !!! All your job is great, and I am expecting great things from you !
MacOS X is a killer !! Let's make killer Hardware now