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  1. macfeller

    Spotlight: can not add items in Privacy if they are on boot volume

    Have tried trashing all prefs, .Spotlight-V100, repairing disk and permissions. I can add any item as long as it is not on the boot volume. I've seen references all over the place for privacy issues, but not this one. Thanks for any ideas.
  2. macfeller

    Spellcheck quits, punctuation screwy, typeing comes and goes

    Interestingly it's fine here so I'll paste how it looked in Unison when I posted to a newasgroup: Anyone else having these issues? After being up for several hours I get the following: :1) double punctuation.. 2) other strange keyboard stuff like in Mail I can type...
  3. macfeller

    Safari will not run for me on 10.4 - Help!

    happenned on two machines drilled down on the DVD (/System/Installs - or something like that) to the Safari package and installed from there with success
  4. macfeller

    Is this true?

    Funny! Sweet dreams. mf
  5. macfeller

    Bye Bye Toast?

    Have you gotten it to overburn? AFAIK it is the only Mac app with the capability but the one time I tried it simply crashed repeatedly. mf
  6. macfeller

    Is this true?

    Original poster here; just wanting to set the record straight. Something in the USENET newsgroup thread which originally caused me to begin this thread made me wonder. I repulled headers for the entire thread. I apologize to Scott and all the community. The reference to which I...
  7. macfeller

    Is this true?

    Now, now. In the very short time I've been here I expected more. More, your lack of specificity might lead one to believe there was some truth to it. Others' comments are reaffirming. Hmmm ... Perhaps that was your intent: Any defense coming you might be considered suspect since it comes from...
  8. macfeller

    Is this true?

    In response to a query about on a mac USENET group: "And they scan the content and build aggregate data to sell to advertisers." True? mf
  9. macfeller

    So, what's the verdict on's web/mail

    Original poster here. THANKS to you all! Does sound great. As soon as I get a moment I'll grab my credit card. Actually, the satisfaction speaks clearly enough I will go back and consider a higher level of account. Thank you again, mf
  10. macfeller

    So, what's the verdict on's web/mail

    Ten bucks sounds great. Is it? Space is space. Speed and reliability are other things. I am so tempted to give 'em $10 just for trying. mf