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  1. M

    Restore default Java preferences

    Dear sir or madam, I have a java program, named tiny umbrella where it cannot save any preference I made in the program. when I try to change a pref it tells me AHHH CANNOT SAVE As I tried to find its pref file I could not and so I think that there could be generic file that all java...
  2. M

    Cannot connect to my machine sharing

    I have updated my SL machine to Lion. All the upgrade went ok no problems at all. I had some problems when trying to connect to some NAS machines on my network but I found techinical help through apple web site. The machine works OK. The problem is when someone else from my network this to...
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    Problem with vanished files

    Dear sir or madam, I have a very strange problem. I have a macos x 10.6.2 server on a macpro hardware. All my clients are 10.6.2 I use the machine as a server that has a RAID 0 to write all my data fast on its hard foe everyday work and a time machine disk that backups the disk to an...
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    login and logout items

    Hello everybody, I need to start an applescript when a user logs in to the computer and an other script at a user logout. I did a research at the internet and fount the startup items folder where I can start something on computer startup and something on computer shutdown. The problem of...
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    Xgrid Job size limit

    I am trying to submit via xgrid a job with a folder that contains all the necessary files. It seems that this procedure has a size limit.When the files in the folder are not large, the xgrid submits the job correctly. When the size is large (e.g. ~ 2.5 GBytes) the xgrid can't submit the job. Is...
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    PDF or PS to PCL5 or EMF

    Hello everybody, I have a tricky question and a major problem. I try to print to a PCL5 printer The Laserjet III. The printer is a virtual printer on a windows machine that is needed in order to attach at a print file some unique numbers that is used for tax reasons. I sheared this...
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    Xgrid information needed

    Dear sir or madam, A client is interested about building a supercomputer and I would like to ask you here some question I could not find on the web. As I read Xgrid does not support fortran, Can I install it in order to be used as a programming language in xgrid?? Also what about perl...
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    email server setup and DNS issues

    Dear sir or madam, I want to setup a mail server from a Mac OS X server machine. I used the standard configuration as the wizard is going to setup all the services automatically. I have an email of the kind After the finish of the configuration all the system was working...
  9. M

    Change contents of .CFUserTextEncoding i

    Dear sir or madam, I need to change the contents of .CFUserTextEncoding from 0:0 to 6:20 just before I open an application and use it only in that application. The application need Greek environment to open and the only way to open it without have to change my default language list is to...
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    MGE UPS is not updating its status

    Dear sir or madam, I had seen a problem with my MGE UPS eclipse 1200 USB. The problem is that the charging percentage does not change as the time passes as the batteries are charging. I connected the UPS at a PC and it updates fine. Also when I restart the mac system the percentage...
  11. M

    modem to modem mac connection

    Hello, I would like to connect two macs that are in deferent areas with a telephone line. The one is going to call the other and then it is going to see an ftp shared folder. Can this be done with the internal programs of the MacOS X or do I need an external progeam. Any help of how can...
  12. M

    modem to modem mac connection

    Hello, I would like to connect two macs that are in deferent areas with a telephone line. The one is going to call the other and then it is going to see an ftp shared folder. Can this be done with the internal programs of the MacOS X or do I need an external progeam. Any help of how can...
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    Upnp Router to Use With Ichat And Other Programs

    Hello, I am interested for a program that I can hook with ichat, where it will help the router I have open ports automatically when I need them with my level1 UPnP router. I could not use the static routing of a port to an internal IP address or virtual hosts function of a router as I have...
  14. M

    Lost Bcem Resource

    hello everybody I have a major problem. I backed up a img os9 file to a windows PC and it deleted the resource fork of the file I found out researching the Internet that I need a bcem resource in the file in order to mount Can I regenerate it at my file???? thanks
  15. M

    When I insert a CD-ROM to open a window

    Hello to all, I just what to find out if I can make a CD to open a window when I insert it in the computer. In macOS 9 I just had to open a window before unmount and burn the CD. This does not work in OS X any ideas of how I can do that. There are a lot of CDs that does this thing as...