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  1. Z

    [HOWTO] Secure Your Password in Panther

    Hi Bob, Good info, you might want to add this to your post
  2. Z

    [HOWTO] - Cool Keyboard/Mouse Combos

    Just figured this out, or maybe I knew this once and already posted it (but I'm too lazy to read this entire post to see if it's been posted before). You can scroll horizontally with the scroll wheel of you mouse (if you have one) by holding down the shift key as you scroll away. This is...
  3. Z

    iBall (new video camera by Apple??)

    arden, iBall is not a possible name for an Apple product. You should read the post first!!
  4. Z

    iBall (new video camera by Apple??)

    Just kidding, but here's an article about something cool Apple might do.
  5. Z

    APRIL FOOL'S: Apple and Dell working on PC card in near future
  6. Z

    Mac heads need to take more responsibility for their actions!

    Did you read my initial post? You pretty much restated what I said, but you missed the point that the leak should not justify being part of the chain that spreads the leak all over the internet.
  7. Z

    Mac heads need to take more responsibility for their actions!
  8. Z

    Mac heads need to take more responsibility for their actions!

    Apple's announcement that they are going to pull the plug on the Safari seeding program is partly to blame on some of the posts and patrons of this site. 300+ posts to talk about v67 and hardly any signs of guilt about the results. Safari's quality will suffer due in large part to the...
  9. Z

    [HOWTO] - Cool Keyboard/Mouse Combos

    press control+option+command+(the times sign on the num pad)
  10. Z

    Using OS X as a local dialup

    I have a 6400 without a network card (only an internal modem). Is there a way I can use my G4 Cube as a proxy for my 6400? My Cube running OS X v10.2.4 is connected to the internet through DSL, therefore my Cube has a free modem that I would like to connect to my 6400. I would like to use my...
  11. Z

    iMovie 3 ready for download?

    I tried to delete the post and put it here but I got blocked from deleting it.
  12. Z

    iMovie 3 ready for download?

    I just checked out the iMovie site again, and it looks like Apple took down the download link :-(
  13. Z

    iMovie 3 ready for download?

    check out the iMovie page: there is now a link for download below the "buy now" button.
  14. Z

    StatusBar/UrlField Combo!!

    Anyone notice that the Url field acts as a status bar when you download pages!! I guess I don't really need the status bar at the bottom now.
  15. Z

    NSSavePanel delegate

    Nevermind, I figured it out. For anyone wondering how I set the savePanel delegate please read on..... If you want to change the delegate for the shared save panel in a document based application, you need to set the delegate in the document method: -(BOOL)prepareSavePanel:(NSSavePanel...
  16. Z

    NSSavePanel delegate

    I have a document based Cocoa app created in PB and I would like to set the delegate for the shared NSSavePanel the entire application uses. I'm assuming that the NSSavePanel returned from: id savePanel = [NSSavePanel savePanel] will be the shared NSSavePanel (the documentation says...