Search results

  1. D

    two iPhones, two people, one computer

    My wife and I both have iPhones and sync to the same user account on our iMac. Address Book & Calendar We sync our phones' address books and calendars to our individual MobileMe accounts (We have a family pack). Music & Videos & Photos We manage which playlists, photo albums, and videos are...
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    Can I replace my Apple TV HDD wih a bigger one?

    Streaming is a great option. However it is not ideal for everyone. Potential problems with streaming: 1. Mac must be on the entire time. I don't want to go across my house to power on my computer everytime I sit down in my living room to watch tv. This would also be a pain for those with...
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    MacBook Pro - FS

    I am awaiting offers. Based on my searches I approximate that it is worth at least $200 for the parts alone. I am hoping to receive something more than that. If anyone has additional questions, please let me know. Thanks, Brian
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    Cannot Retrieve Address Book details from a Backup

    It could have something to do with the fact that you are working in a different version of Addressbook than what it was exported from. You should try using the same version. This means you may need to be running the same Mac OS 10.x.x version. Goodluck.
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    MacBook Pro - FS

    I have a 2006 MacBook Pro I'd like to offer for sale. Specs: Processor 2.16GHz Intel Core Duo RAM: 2GB Hard Drive: Recently upgraded to 320GB. Full Disclosure: It has been dropped a few times and has some dents and some damage to the case. The trackpad and button no longer work, requiring an...
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    Can I replace my Apple TV HDD wih a bigger one?

    250GB HDD
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    iBook G4 (late 2004) Major CD-Rom Problem.

    I just started having a similar problem with my PowerBook 1GHZ G4. I guess these drives weren't built to last.
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    trouble with audio input on mac mini

    Line Level input is typically for connecting recording equipment.
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    transfer songs from one itunes on pc to ipod that is sinced on a mac

    At a minimum I'd suggest you use a program to pull the music off your iPod onto one of your other machines. Then you can sync your iPod with the other computer. However, I think it probably makes the most sense to remove the hard drive from your iBook, connect it to a drive bridge/casing and...
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    trouble with audio input on mac mini

    Recent Macs do not have a Mic jack or an audio jack that includes a third ring for a headset with a built in mic. If an iMac or Macbook/Pro it should have a built in mic with the camera. MacPros and MacMini's would need an iSight Camera which includes a built in microphone. You could also...
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    Getting the correct ram?

    I recommend OWC Computing. They specialize in mac hardware. They have a 4GB set for $97.99!! I purchased this set a few weeks ago for $119 at the time for my 24" iMac and it has been great! And of course you...
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    using iPhone dock in Australia; voltage issues?

    It has the voltage range on the adapter. It is 100~240 just like the macbook/pro adapters.
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    Airport Extreme Port forwarding problems

    I've never tried port mapping with my AE's. I've got two, one on the upstairs Home Entertainment Center and one on the Downstairs stereo. And I use a Linksys Vonage Router to assign IP addresses.
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    Challenge! Feelin' Lucky, PUNK?

    My guess would be that the connectors for the hard drive ribbon cable are damaged. In other words you'll probably have to replace the whole board.
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    Backup 3.1.2 problems with Lacie Drive

    Try repairing permissions in disk utility on both of your drives.
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    Intel core 2 duo Imac rollout See the bottom of the page for the download link to carbon copy cloner. It will do what you need. Goodluck!
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    External FW Hard Drive not mounting...

    Does it appear in terminal?' Type "cd /volumes" and then "ls" (leave off quotations) Does the drive appear along with the others? If so it should still be there. If not try another disk utility program such as Disk Warrior or Norton Utilities or Tech Tool. Also it is possible that the drive...
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    Dual Boot Problem

    I have the same computer albeit a Dual 1GHZ. Have you tried reinstalling OS9 from the OS9 disc? Just a thought: It's possible that the last time those drives were formatted that the OS9 drivers were not installed or perhaps they're corrupt. If possible erase one of the drives and reformat...
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    Crashed hard disk tool?

    I have a similar situation from a MacBook drive. I'd tried Disk Warrior and DataRescue, but to no avail. Since those failed me I've sent it to in hopes that they will be able to recover my drive. Has anyone had any experience with them? They are flat fee at $289. However, I had to...
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    Computer wont sleep

    I mean anything that didn't come with the computer itself. An archive and install is when you use the CD's that came with the computer to do a reinstall of the Mac OS. It actually archives your current information, reinstalls the OS, and places your all of your personal information, bookmarks...