Search results

  1. Mikuro

    Catalina: Anyone have cold feet on this?

    At work I always upgrade day 1. Supporting Macs is part of my job and I'm always my own guinea pig. I have not encountered any huge problems. There's a short (but important) list of unsupported software. You know what 32-bit apps you have and can decide for yourself how important they are. I've...
  2. Mikuro

    C++(CPP) Vs. Cocoa

    That's something I've been struggling with. I love Xojo, but I can understand why people would prefer a free/open-source toolchain. Xojo is closed-source and proprietary (and somewhat expensive). But it's awesome. These days I do a lot of work in Python, and I haven't found a GUI framework I...
  3. Mikuro

    2009 Macbook Upgrade Issue

    Yes! Xcode is requires a lot of memory, and honestly, everyone will benefit from an upgrade from 2GB at this point. I used the same model until I upgraded a few months ago. I highly recommend upgrading to 8GB. Don't bother going to 4; if you're going to do this, go all the way. You should...
  4. Mikuro

    Macbook Pro (retina, 2014) Crashes Whenever I Plug In Hdmi

    I recently got the latest 15" Retina MacBook Pro, and I've run into a problem when I try to use HDMI. As soon as I plug in the cable, the entire system freezes completely. The mouse won't move, no keyboard inputs seem to do anything. While this is going on, the TV keeps going between a black...
  5. Mikuro

    Crotchety Old Man

    Oh, no doubt OS X was a much-needed advancement on the whole. However, it was dog slow and not very refined until Panther, and parts of the UI were a mess (the Finder is still a bit of a mess, to be honest; there were many things the OS 9 Finder did better). I loved the consistency and...
  6. Mikuro

    Crotchety Old Man

    I've been feeling crotchety since 10.o was first released about 15 years ago. Crotchetiness increased considerably with Lion, waned a little with Mavericks, and is back to new heights with Yosemite. I am at critical crotchety levels now. I fought the App Store as long as I could. I had...
  7. Mikuro

    How to convert video to iPhone 6 Plus?

    I highly recommend VLC. It'll play nearly anything, and managing files is so much easier than syncing movies from iTunes. And it's free. Handbrake is great for what it does, but re-encoding is time-consuming and necessarily entails a loss in quality. Why bother when you can play your movies...
  8. Mikuro

    How To Copy Files From Ntfs Usb To Mac Pc And Mac Pc To Ntfs Usb?

    I can format drives as exFAT in OS X. Never had an issue. Running 10.8.4 right now. I've actually never done it in Windows. The only downside to exFAT I've encountered is that other devices don't support it. For example, my smart TV only handles FAT32.
  9. Mikuro

    Official Yosmite Thread! :)

    I haven't noticed Safari hanging, but I have noticed generally poor performance in two ways: 1. Scrolling was very choppy at first. I attribute this to the translucent toolbar, because after I went into System Preferences > Accessibility and disabled some transparency effects, this problem went...
  10. Mikuro

    Let's Stop The Non-replaceable Ram Setups In Macs

    Definitely true about the thinness. It kind of bugs me, because there's no reason for iMacs or Minis to get thinner and thinner. Heck, I've had my MacBook Pro for 5 years and never once thought "damn Mac, you thick". On the other hand, I see new models with no replaceable RAM, no replaceable...
  11. Mikuro

    Let's Stop The Non-replaceable Ram Setups In Macs

    On the other hand, Apple brought their BTO RAM prices in line with sanity when they made this switch, perhaps because they knew people wouldn't tolerate their shenanigans anymore. Gotta agree with Satcomer, though. None of Apple's current offerings really appeal to me, partly because of the...
  12. Mikuro

    What are your hobbies

    I play Go (AKA Baduk, Weiqi). I've traveled the world to study Go and compete in tournaments. I'm not world-class by any stretch, but I'm a decent amateur.
  13. Mikuro

    Apple drops Java

    I keep it installed, but I have all my browsers set to only run plugins on demand. If I just click a link to a Java applet, it won't load. I still need Java for desktop apps, so I won't uninstall it, but on the web I can't remember the last time I used it.
  14. Mikuro

    New iPad Mini

    I'll have to hold it before I judge. I feel like 7.9" might be a tad much. I've used the Nexus 7, and in comparison the iPad Mini looks a little wide. The screen is almost a full inch bigger. Not quite sure how the bezels compare.
  15. Mikuro

    Are you upgrading to Mountain Lion?

    Didn't think of that. Looks like I can't add options to a poll after creation, though. I just realized that Lion was the first version of the Mac OS since 7.5 that I skipped. And if I skip Mountain Lion it will be the first time ever that I've been two versions behind.
  16. Mikuro

    Are you upgrading to Mountain Lion?

    I'm still on Snow Leopard at home (Lion at work), and I'm not sure if I'll upgrade yet. It might sound silly, but honestly the thing holding me back most is the scroll bars. I don't care that they look bad, but the complete lack of scroll arrows is infuriating to me. I was hoping Apple would...
  17. Mikuro

    Add more drive capacity to MacBook Pro an optimize for performance

    Bear in mind when partitioning that not all parts of the disk yield the same speeds. Iirc, the beginning of the disk is faster because the disk spins faster at the edges. Some performance-minded people will even "throw away" large parts of their disk, using only the first half or so, in order to...
  18. Mikuro

    Applescript and Mainstage

    If there's no scripting support, my advice would be to do keystroke simulation like I mentioned before. I checked the Rondo demo, and this seems to work: tell application "Rondo" open POSIX file "/Volumes/Rondo 3.1/Sample MIDI Files/Moonlight.mid" activate tell application "System Events" to...
  19. Mikuro

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Just some random Korean pop* song I have in my library: 사랑 둘이서.. by AB *To me, just about anything from the last 30 years falls under the very large umbrella of "pop". Some people take great offense to this. Maybe it's not 'pop'? I don't know, but I don't...
  20. Mikuro

    Applescript and Mainstage

    Hmm. I don't know enough about midi to say which players would support that, and I don't have Logic, so I can't check its scripting support. My GUESS would be that Logic would support similar phrases in AppleScript. "open <file>" is virtually universal. "document <x>" is virtually universal...