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    Media iMac?

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    diNovo Connection Problems

    OK, well, I've been able to get them to connect, just now the computer says it can't recognize the keyboard and asks me to press the button directly to the right of the left Shift key, which is impossible on the mediapad and doesnt want to work with the keyboard itself. Any ideas? Scratch...
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    diNovo Connection Problems

    Well, I got the Logitech diNovo Media set with bluetooth and I'm quite impressed. I had to go get another bluetooth adapter to get the mouse to work and hopefully get more use out of the keyboards. However, in Bluetooth Setup Assistant, the keyboard and mediapad only get to the staqe where it...
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    Clicker Through Headphones

    I have a 5G iPod. I wanted to set the Clicker setting so the click sound would play through both my headphones on the iPod's speaker. However, when I go to the Settings menu, the setting for the Clicker can only be changed between On and Off, with no options for headphones. I've seen other...
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    Java App Not Working

    I've been helping someone get a Java app to work on OS X. Everything seems to be set up, the java_swt file and all the directories are in place, but when the program runs, Console reports this error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError...
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    Advanced iWeb albums without .Mac

    Really? I've tried publishing it to a folder and all I get is the old-style slideshow, not the flashy new one. How'd you get it to work?
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    Advanced iWeb albums without .Mac

    Well, iWeb is pretty amazing, and so is the rest of iLife, but one thing that I was really looking forward to was the really nice black, reflective photo albums that iWeb produces. However, it seems you can only get these if you have .Mac, which I don't. Does anyone know around this? It...
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    Media iMac?

    Well, I have an old iMac G3 sitting around that I don't use much anymore because I have an amazing G4 tower. It's an iMac DV with 320MB of RAM (only thing upgraded, everything standard - 10GB hard drive, 32MB graphics card,...). I want to use it for something, cause it's a great little machine...
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    New Graphics Card

    Well, Tiger has some pretty nice enhancement dealing with CoreImage and what not. But, my PowerMac G4 MDD 2003 didn't come with a CoreImage compatible graphics card (it has a ATI Radeon 9000 Pro right now). I've tried to find some of the graphics cards that are compatible on ATI's site...
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    What to do with an old iPod

    i was considering selling the ipod, but it's custom engraved and i don't think many people want to carry around an ipod with my name in it...
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    What to do with an old iPod

    well, a portable hard drive would be nice. and i need the disk space. is the drive capable of acting as an external drive? also, is there any way to make it act like a flash drive? i think if you have it in disk mode and connect it to a mac itunes won't try to sync with it, but does a...
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    What to do with an old iPod

    Well, I've bought a new iPod with video (and VERY pleased with it) and my poor old 3G iPod has nothing to do anymore. I've been trying to think of some way to use it or find something fun to do with it. Anyone have any ideas? Anything cool and practical works for me. What a good iPod that was...
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    Dreamweaver Mx And Fireworks Mx 2004

    I looked in the export dialog, but there is no option to save down to a lower version. Thanks for the help, though. Any others ideas? (Oh, I'm exporting it to HTML)
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    Dreamweaver Mx And Fireworks Mx 2004

    Dreamweaver MX will not import files from Fireworks MX 2004. Do you know a workaround to let this happen? I had exported an interactive image from Fireworks 2004 and tried to import it into Dreamweaver MX. I get the following error message, "The selected file is not the correct format...
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    Safari and's menus

    yeah, it's not specific to safari. it came about in the new version because new versions bring new features, one of which was probably better handling of whatever is used to make that happen. that's all.
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    Kernal Panic after deleting all Extensions!

    hmm... If I read what you said right, you said you copied your extensions to your desktop? or did you delete them all together? I don't know for sure, but if you still have them on your computer, it is possible to do something, but, like I said, only if you have those files still on your...
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    iTunes on a Fresh Install

    well...the iPod should already have the music on it...just hidden. i already copied a whole lot of stuff on the iPod and have, oh, say, 27MB left on it, so i have to use what is one there... can i just drag that to the iTunes folder on the installation?
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    iTunes on a Fresh Install

    So, I'm going to do a clean install of Tiger. I have all of my music on my iPod. If I connect the iPod to the computer, will iTunes recognize the music and add it to the computer's library, or will it erase all of my music? It's one or the other...not something I really want to risk...thanks...
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    Exporting bookmarks

    So...I can figure out how to export stuff from almost every other app, but how do I export my bookmarks from Safari? (v1.3)
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    New Xbox 360

    Try here. It has the most information.