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  1. M

    Tiger on DVD; Apple misleads; delay upgrade

    OldEdit... 1) They should prominently say what you require to use the software on the box, if they didn't, it's not good - I'm sure they appreciate your tip - why not write them instead of threatening a boycott?; 2) [Fryke: something about politics. but i said no more of that in this...
  2. M

    Suggestions! How can Apple better penetrate the PC Market?

    Interesting idea, except that, conrary to myth, Apple is not priced particularly highly as a luxury brand. The computers, for their capacities, are about the same price for a similarly priced windows version. On top of this, Apple isn't simply an equipment designer and marketer - they have to...
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    Suggestions! How can Apple better penetrate the PC Market?

    Well said, in its entirety. I agree with everything, especially the AV suggestion and the iChat AV suggestion. We operate in a limited universe, so I have very few people I can use the features of iChat AV with - and that is a big drawback to the software's usefulness. I don't know what the...
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    Suggestions! How can Apple better penetrate the PC Market?

    I agree Arden. I think that Volkswagen is doing this in their commercials now. They have something built in that interfaces with the iPod. It would be great if Apple made people more aware if there is some sort of device, for all cars, that we can buy to park and power the iPod for our other...
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    Suggestions! How can Apple better penetrate the PC Market?

    Great ideas Kalantna! You should be a consultant for Apple. Fryke, I see your points. I was thinking more of an integrated product that could also be used to run other systems as well. I think the real problem for many Windows users, many of whom would love to switch, but talk themselves...
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    Suggestions! How can Apple better penetrate the PC Market?

    I think Apple should have, and should now buy or create an emulator package that provides native access to Windows programs on the desktop. I was disappointed when Microsoft bought Virtual PC and Apple had no response and did not anticipate it. I think one thing that Windows users need is more...
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    Great New York Times Article on Apple, Panther
  8. M

    That painfully cheesy panther video

    Habilis, I think Omar is the quite successful founder of a number of commercial web sites including He has been a fixture in certain tech/commentary circles for years. It's surprising that you didn't recognize him. The "encrypt on the fly" standard, as an integrated...
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    CD burning in OSX is PATHETIC

    I burn all of my cds in the finder. Unfortunately, given my setup, which is not an apple built in burner, cds burned in the finder do not work seamlessly on windows. Perhaps it has to do with the third-party burner I have. The reason so far, is unclear to me. I'm no techie. However, the...
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    CD burning in OSX is PATHETIC

    That is exactly my problem. I assumed it was because I was using a third-party burner that had been bought when OS X was not yet released. The hierarchy of folders works fine in Mac OS, just not in Windows. Perhaps it is simply a fact of life - that Windows refuses to read folder hierarchies...
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    CD burning in OSX is PATHETIC

    I have a peripheral burner, an old, very expensive ezquest. I bought just before all the prices came down. OS X drives it, but it often fails in the confirmation part of the burn. I can make CDs, but it's frustrating. For instance, Apple's backup software doesn't work with it. It always...
  12. M

    Paris keynote hints of faster machines.

    Apple already has an x86 version of OS X running internally. According to reports, they are using this fact to keep pressure on Motorola. Motorola's efforts have been too slow. The likely alternative, however, are IBM 64 bit Power4 server chips, which are apparently being modified to...
  13. M

    Microsoft Admits Mac Users Are Smarter......

    The link worked for me. Great story! But, did anyone have any doubts?
  14. M

    can install os 9 after os x?

    Being a unix newbie, I took the advice of a friend who claimed to know all about Unix, though I really knew she didn't, because her ex-boyfriend was a major computer guru. When I was having some small problems with OS 9, early, after 10.2 was released - she recommended that I simply reinstall...
  15. M

    OS X + XP: Who will really win?

    I think my experience is probably more typical of a business and casual user of an OS. I just recently began using a digital camera on a regular basis. iPhoto and the ease with which OS X uploaded the pictures was amazing. The presentation of the photos, with music, blew my friends and...
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    is osx a true unix system

    Right Click - I thought with one button you just click and hold for a second and the menu pops up. That's what I do - sometimes you move the point ever so slightly if the menu doesn't pop-up immediately. I don't know why I would want another button for that. The reason other computers have...
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    OS X screwing up icons

    If you can't see the icons, scroll right. (FN1) I hate it when thread participants throw around that phrase "conspiracy theory". You need to read what people write carefully. They may have something to say that is actually not within your experience or knowledge. As you can see from...
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    OS X screwing up icons

    Actually, the tattered icons representing Word documents that were opened in Word test drive, and then subsequently worked on in a previous version of Word (Word '98) appears to be by design. It's not a "problem" - it's just an ugly reminder from Microsoft that you haven't updated. It does not...
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    OS X screwing up icons

    I would not be surprised if it were a virus. However, I've run the beta version of Norton's anti-virus software - which should be up-to-date you'd think. I've found no sign of a virus. And the Word test drive was downloaded from Microsoft directly. I think that the tattered word document...
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    Latest Software Update

    Thanks, I appreciate your help! :) I'll try it.