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  1. A

    Unerasable items

    Hello, I try for some hours to delete some files that are on differents hard disks of my computer. But there are undeletable files. I tried to change owner, to change group. I was not allowed to do that on these files. I tried to change permissions (they are now all in rw for all users). I...
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    link document-application

    Hello, I'm sorry, I founded the problem : I had the FileMaker at different places on the disk. So I hadn't remove it completely. For an unknown reason, it didn't start any more, but now that I have delete it, the default application for fileMaker file is the classic application :)
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    link document-application

    Hello, I had FileMaker Pro 5 on Classic. For testing Mac OS X, I downloaded FileMaker 5.5 for X. Automatically, my fileMaker files opened with X version (the file version is the same). Now, the X demo version has expired. I put it in the trash and empty the trash. But the documents are...
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    SetPort and Carbon

    Hello, I try to execute my application build by "Project builder". If I wanted to draw a rectangle in Classic environement, I did like this : SetPort((GrafPtr) Dlg); PenSize(3, 3); InsetRect(&r, -4, -4); FrameRoundRect(&r, 16, 16); Now, I changes some things so that it compiles...
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    Resources need to be converted ?

    Hello, I've translated the code of my application so that I can compile it under "Projet Builder". I look at some examples (like Simple Text sample) under macOS X, and I saw that resources are text file of a specific format (with .r extension). I've my resources for Classic MacOS, made with...
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    Restarting network

    Hello, I am looking for a way to restart the network (like under Linux) without to restart. Under unix, I restart the network script, and it's fine. The exact problem is that when I forget to switch on my router (which has a DHCP built in) before the mac OS X startup, the network is of...
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    Disabling warning dock messages

    Hello, I installed the 10.0.3 build of macOSX. Before to install the 10.0.3 (I had the 10.0.1 before), I added a dock extra for managing sound volume. Now, at every login, the next message appear : "This dock extra may not be compatible with their version of MacOS X you are running. If...
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    Using application as other user

    Hello, I use both macOSX and Linux. On Linux, I can log as another user (by telnet, rlogin, etc.), I can give graphical access (for example by xhost +), and then I can launch a graphical application from terminal. I want to do the same under macOSX (so I don't need to relogin copmletely...