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  1. T

    BIND9 DNS Server

    Hello world! Does anyone out there has experience running a BIND8/BIND9 DNS on MaxOSX 10.1? I downloaded, configured and compiled the sources, but somehow am not able to get the results I expect. But then, perhaps I am using the wrong tools. What I want to do is the following...
  2. T

    MO drive / media not recognised

    Hi endian, the media I tried were HFS formatted (I think). I purchased DosMounter some time ago to do the MO formatting (DOS compatibility and stuff). But all the Media mount under OS9 even on machines that do not have DosMounter installed. pdisk also shows no information on the...
  3. T

    MO drive / media not recognised

    Hello world! I have a beige G3 with an external SCSI MO (magneto-optical) drive. Up until 9.1, everything works fine with this drive and the media I create. Inserting a disc will pop up an icon on the desktop, putting it to the trash will eject it. Starting from X (10.0.4), my drive...