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    VPC help

    Anyone kind soul mind lending me your serial number for VPC?
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    Virtual PC 3 or 4

    Does anyone knows where to download free version of Virtual PC? Or does anyone knows the Virtual PC registration/serail number? Thanks...
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    ibook display to television

    hey a problem? Anyone using MacOSX on iBook???and try using the video output from ibook to television(AV option)? NOthing comes out!!!!!!! But when i restart to OS 9.0.4, everythings fine...i can view the screen of the ibook on the television. Somehow, OSX cant do that...
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    need...after particulars are enter, password need to insert...hmmmmm by the way... If i install macOSX from MacOS 9.1, will all my current data be overwrite or deleted??? Cause i got office and other macromedia software in it...
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    operating system MAC OSX serial number.... thanks
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    serial number

    sory, serial number for operating system MacOSX....
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    serial number

    Anyone here a Mac OSX user?? Could you please lend me your serial number??? PLEASeeeee....... thks
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    Anyone here a Mac OSX user?? Could you please lend me your serial number??? PLEASeeeee....... thks