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  1. K

    Can't make it work!

    Hello, I seem to be having a problem. I am not sure if this is posted somewhere else, but I can't seem to make my mac sleep manualy. Also i have stuff in my trash and when i empty it it says 'you do not have sufficiant privaleges', i am the only user?? :confused: Please help if you can...
  2. K

    10.1 Sleep Bug???

    I have a a G4 450 OS 10.04 still waiting for 10.1 and since I installed OSX it won't sleep. Any help would be great...
  3. K


    I am confused, is 10.1 out already? Where do I get the update?
  4. K

    itunes not recognizing audio cd's, and unable to burn with itunes

    Hey, well I have an external Lacie CD-RW and it burns in both apps. Sorry I can't be of any help. I would have thought they would make sure there "apple" products like your cd burner worked before third party ones like Lacie. Sorry. Did you try calling apple help? If you purchased OX 10...
  5. K

    itunes not recognizing audio cd's, and unable to burn with itunes

    I have burned audio and data cd's with Titanium beta, also my itunes will burn audio cd too. they are both installed and running fine. i didn't seem to have any problems with either of them.
  6. K

    Mac OS X - 10.1

    Does anyone know when os 10.1 is due out? I know in sept. but when exactly?? Just wondering. thanx