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  1. S

    Applescript Studio

    Has anyone heard when this will available? Besides Apple's later this year date?
  2. S

    I Have 10.1 FULL INSTALL in my hands!!

    Thanks, but I'll hang on to my images. 10.1 is already on Carracho, it's 5G64 I have the Retail install it's 5G64 not this 5G68 rumor crap.
  3. S

    I Have 10.1 FULL INSTALL in my hands!!

    Fed-Ex just delivery 10.1 Retail Full Install Included: 3 CD's 10.1 10.1 Developer 9.2.1 I will do a clean install of 10.1 instead of overlaying it on top of my 10.1 (5G64) already running. I am doing this just to get some of the invisible developer build junk off my drive. Go Apple!!!!
  4. S

    I just got a Fed-Ex tracking# from Apple!!!

    I just got a trackable Fed-Ex number for Mac OS 10.1 Retail Install. Since I had this sent overnight, I will have it Friday morning. It won't make a difference anyway, I have been running 5G64GM since it was out on the Web.