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  1. B

    Sleep and Sound problems with 10.1.2...

    I did zap PRAM, but no change. I just discovered that I have the same problem if I boot up in OS 9.2.2 :confused: Automatic sleep was working fine until a few days ago.... On OS X Apple Support forum there is a thread about this, but no one has offered a solution yet.
  2. B

    Sleep and Sound problems with 10.1.2...

    Zapped the pr. ? Please be more specific....:confused:
  3. B

    Sleep and Sound problems with 10.1.2...

    I haven't got Norton installed nor have I ever installed it. Must be something else. I'm also searching other forums for clues on this one.
  4. B

    Sleep and Sound problems with 10.1.2...

    I've got the same on my G4 450MP AGP running 10.1.2 It refuse to go into sleep at the time set in the Preference Panel, but has no problem when issue a sleep command from the Apple menu.:confused:
  5. B

    OmniWeb 4.1sp6

    Can't seem to find any of the sp versions of Omniweb at sneakypeek. Could one of you give a link to the right folder at the Omni site ? or a username/passw
  6. B

    Latest 10.1 update causes problems for OmniWeb

    The console.log says: "Starting '/Users/arneguld/Documents/' for pid 439. task_for_pid (os/kern) failure" I get the same on my G4 450 DP and a slot loading iMac. The only difference to before is...
  7. B

    Latest 10.1 update causes problems for OmniWeb

    I did perform the latest Firmware upgrade before I installed the security update. I also re-installed 10.1 on a newly initiallized partition. fsck -y didn't report any errors, disk OK. I'm running out of options, but you may be right in that it could be the Firmware upgrade....:(
  8. B

    Latest 10.1 update causes problems for OmniWeb

    Thanks.! I tried 4.0.6sp1, but that gave the same error. 4.1sp4 however, works fine with no trace of the previously reported error. Still think it's a compatibility problem between OmniWeb and the security updates to 10.1
  9. B

    Latest 10.1 update causes problems for OmniWeb

    Didn't know there was a 4.0.6 version available. Can not find it anywhere... Does it exist ?
  10. B

    Latest 10.1 update causes problems for OmniWeb

    My daughter and I have both 10.1 running and we're using OmniWeb 4.0.5 without problems. Now after updating with the Software Update utility to the latest security Updates, OmniWeb now exits with this error every time. "Unable to connect to the requested process: Cannot get task pid 1336144"...