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  1. K

    10.1 Install problems

    I am currently having a problem installing 10.1 No matter how I try to run the installer, either in OSX, OS 9, or just booting straight from the CD, I keep getting the following error "The installer has unexpectedly quit, error type 0. Please hit return to restart system." I read an...
  2. K

    MacOS X 10.1 Install

    I finally got my copy of MacOS X 10.1 from CompUSA (A week late). I've tried three different ways to run the install of 10.1. First just run the installer from OS X and reboot the machine as asked. Second Boot directly off the cd by holding down the C key when booting. Third go into...
  3. K

    Burning with Nero in Windows

    Well I did the Burn from image again and this time it worked. Got the CD burnt, was already a .img file. Seems to be working fine except that when I boot up off of it, I get a error stating that the installer unexpectedly quit, error 0. Have to dig out my Sad Macs and Other Disasters book to...
  4. K

    Burning with Nero in Windows

    Ok this may be a stupid question, and I'm pretty sure macavenger has the instructions on his ftp (Wasn't able to get them before he changed the u/p, just barely got my download done. THANKS AGAIN for the download Mac). I am running windows 98, and Nero 5.5.4. I am the image moved over from my...