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  1. A

    VLC Media Player on OSX

    Hello All, Just wondering about the VLC Media Player. This "universal" player was recommended, so I downloaded it (the one for Power PC). It played one Quicktime video and then started to produce error messages. I then trashed it and downloaded from another site. Same problem. Anyhow, they...
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    iTunes Update Crash with Disc Utility (?)

    Hi Mac OSX Help, I'm a iBook G4 Panther user with all latest updates (not isight, ipods or ariports)... or music for airports! I just updated the new Safari and iTunes. They are working well, however, when I verified permissions using my Disc Utility it lost a connection with the disc...
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    Mac Osx And Windows Media Player 9

    The following are the directions Bob provided that appears to have solved my problem: Make sure the files you want to trash are on your Desktop. Then use the Terminal command, type; cd ~/.Trash hit return Then type; sudo rm -rf put a space after the f and drag the item...
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    Mac Osx And Windows Media Player 9

    How do I uninstall Windows Media Player 9 from my Mac OSX? I've read that other application may fail over time if WMP files are removed... which I have already done. What to do next? Arrival