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    My umax astra 2200 scanner is not supported in OSX, anyone..??
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    ram doubler

    oke thanks
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    ram doubler

    is it possible to use software to double my ram in osx or is this a stupid question, if it is why thnx
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    Printer sharing between X and 9

    good question. I've one computer running os9 and can't change it (yet,because of software whichdoesn't work on X) but i can't find with the other computers running X the printer hooked up on the os9 machine. so anyone?
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    Safari is awesome!

    mm i have cable everything oke here
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    Safari is awesome!

    safari rules on a daily basis
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    Hp Officejet G55

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    Hp Officejet G55

    Just got a HP psc 2210 and installed the OSX driver, selected the printer but it will not print. When i use the HP program i can make testprints. Does anyone know what to do? Thnx a lot
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    OSX Uninstaller

    What is the best way to uninsall the classic part of osx is there something like an uninstaller for os9
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    TiBook - Keyboard marks on screen

    this is what the apple site says about cleaning: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TITLE How To Clean an LCD Panel Article ID: Created: Modified: 60446 7/30/99 5/30/01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------...
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    TiBook - Keyboard marks on screen

    I don't know the answer to that one. I saw this problem comming from day one, so i could still remove the little marks and have been using an A4 paper since.
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    TiBook - Keyboard marks on screen

    I used to clean it with a dry cloth, i am preventing it with a a4 paper. There are special leather screen protection "cloths" on the market for this problem aswell
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    Picture of your setup

    here it is
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    Does this thing have Infrared???

    Never really tried IR . Can anyone tell me how fast it is. For example the connection between two ti books. thnx
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    What crashes your X?

    OSX did crash a few times since the beginning but not because of a preticular action.
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    How Much RAM do YOU have?!

    I have 384 in my tibook, but i think before i get more ram i really want to see what 10.2 brings. (in speed that is) that would probably make more of a difference than adding more ram, or not? oscar
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    locations are goners

    i will give this it a try tomorrow Its 7 in the evening here, and the first beautiful evening in a long time. Time for a beer on a terrace..... ;) oscar
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    locations are goners

    okay did it it said there was a difference in amount of files or something can it be that osx runs faster now it seems so :) thnx
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    locations are goners

    thanks i'am gonna try this oscar
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    locations are goners

    " Perhaps fsck'ing your machine would be in order " thanks i would like to try this . What is it and how do i do this. thnx oscar