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  1. T

    I'm finally getting a mac again!

    I'm looking for a desktop and I'm still keeping the old computer so I need a new monitor/speakers/etc. too. I think I can wait 'till january. The 1 ghz iMac will do. ;) But they really need another vidcard. It would be nice if they put a GeForce 3 in there or an ATI Radeon.... I wanna play...
  2. T

    I'm finally getting a mac again!

    yeah, I certainly like unix 'goodness'... ;) I really learned alot about comps just by starting to use linux. :) So any advice on the comp? I'm sure you guys have the required experience to help me out. ;)
  3. T

    I'm finally getting a mac again!

    Yep.... I've had enough with the windoze horror. It has been about 3 years, last mac we had was a Performa 630 33mhz. My dad was stupid enough to buy a PC after that. The poor old mac got toasted, we got struck by lightning. It hasn't been windoze all the time, I installed linux at some point. I...
  4. T

    MACE - Mac OS 9 apps in unix sys'es

    Heyhey don't feel too sorry for me! :D I got Basilisk II, I'm running linux now btw so softmac wouldn't work anyways and executer sux. Basilisk II is best though I can't wait for something faster than 20 mhz. (softmac xpress'll be the first powermac emu. though it's windows only :( ) Anyways...
  5. T

    MACE - Mac OS 9 apps in unix sys'es

    Thought this would be interesting to some of you. There's a proggy called MACE which allows you to run Mac OS 9 proggies in unix based systems (as long as they run on a mac ). It's not really an emulator, it's more like running them nativly on unix systems (like Wine does on intel based...