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  1. P

    Stickies Problems

    I think this is a Tiger problem, because I don't recall seeing it before. You can turn off 'check spelling as you type' in any note. That stops those annoying red lines if you spoll a wrod rongly... and as it's just a note to myself, spelling isn't that important. The problem I had not...
  2. P

    Bluetooth Printer

    I will keep an eye on this thread, and try to answer any questions if I can. Patrick
  3. P

    Bluetooth Printer

    OK, this is what worked for me (see above for decrition of my problem): 1) went back to OSX installer disks and installed (from options package) all printer drivers (had omitted Gimp on first install, now I know what they are.*) 2) went to Apple and downloaded latest Bluetooth firmware**...
  4. P

    Bluetooth Printer

    Any help gratefully welcomed: G4 Powerbook 15" FW800. DBT-320 bluetooth receiver connected to USB port of Epson C84 photo series printer. This was working ok (slow but ok) before I upgraded to OS 10.4.3 and reinstalled (because of a separate problem). Before: i installed using system...
  5. P

    G4 Powerbook Disc Drive Problem

    Similar thing has happened to me: G4 Powerbook FW800, running 10.4.2 and now 10.4.3. Suddenly the superdrive started spitting out all DVDs, blank or written. Funny thing is: it reads and burns CDs fine. have tried everything, including reformat and clean install of whole system (via separate...