G4 Powerbook Disc Drive Problem



I was burning discs the other night in my Powerbook G4 17" superdrive. the third disc, for some reason, went in, made some disc-reading sounds per usual, stopped, tried again, and then spit out the disc. i have confirmed that i wasn't just the disc. several other discs have been rejected after i insert them, including blank media that i attempted to burn on to. my disc drive, currently, accepts no discs.

Why the sudden rejection of discs by my drive? And what might be the solution? Has my disc drive malfunctioned for good?

I use OS 10.3.9, by the way.

Thanks for any help!
-Very concerned mac user (Andy)
Your drive maybe going south. If I were you I would run the Apple supplied (with you install disks) a hardware test. Then if that come up, i would try making a test user account and see if it is also having the same problem. this way you can trace down if it is just your user account or the whole system is going.
Similar thing has happened to me: G4 Powerbook FW800, running 10.4.2 and now 10.4.3. Suddenly the superdrive started spitting out all DVDs, blank or written. Funny thing is: it reads and burns CDs fine. have tried everything, including reformat and clean install of whole system (via separate DVD reader naturally). No good, DVDs are not recognized. I have to replace the drive, cost over €400! BTW, when this happens, there's no point in advising use of Mac Hardware Test DVD: a) you can't read it, and b) it doesn't test disk drives.
