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  1. I

    Macbook Battery won't recharge

    I let it sit plugged in over night. It is still just green which I guess means it's not charging. Thanks for clarifying that for me. I've got an appointment with the Mac store on Monday since I don't know what else to do.
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    Macbook Battery won't recharge

    I followed the steps to reset the SMC and I got nothing. The battery is completely dead (one blinking green light). Under normal circumstances shouldn't the computer be able to start up if it is plugged into a power source even with a dead battery?
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    Macbook Battery won't recharge

    My Macbook won't recharge. I drained the battery and then accidentally turned it off. I know this was the wrong thing to do since it wasn't shut down properly. Now it won't recharge and I can't get it to start up. Have i ruined something? Thanks.
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    Flash player 9 not installing

    I am having the same problem trying to install Flash Player 9. It gets stuck with 4 items remaining to be installed. I also cannot install Studio 8, versions of Dreamweaver 8 and Flash 8. Those installs both get stuck with 190 items remaining to be installed. The computer stalls and makes the...
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    Screen Shifts on 20" Cinema Display

    Where do you store this knowledge? Thank you so much. I had no idea. I checked on Apple's website (couldn't find anything) I looked through the forums here and I didn't have much hope that it could be fixed. Thanks again, It feels like I just got my vision back! Jeff
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    Screen Shifts on 20" Cinema Display

    I just noticed this recently and I'm not quite sure what's causing it. I have 20" Cinema Display (Clear Plastic, not the new Metal ones) When I set it to the highest resolution 1680x1050 it looks great and crisp, UNTIL, I start moving my mouse around. When I move the mouse left to right the...