Screen Shifts on 20" Cinema Display


I just noticed this recently and I'm not quite sure what's causing it. I have 20" Cinema Display (Clear Plastic, not the new Metal ones) When I set it to the highest resolution 1680x1050 it looks great and crisp, UNTIL, I start moving my mouse around. When I move the mouse left to right the screen, I mean the whole viewable area, shifts several pixels left to right based on which way I'm moving my mouse.

This shifting occurs when ever I move my mouse across the screen left to right. It also shifts up and down when I move my mouse up and down blurring the text on a web page, Word document, etc. Needless to say it's SUPER annoying. If I set my screen to the next highest resolution 1600x1000 the whole screen just looks blurry. Is there any thing I can do to stop my screen from shifting all over the place or do I have to resign myself to a blurry screen?

this happens accidentally if you hit your scroll wheel on your mouse while press the control key, and is your built-in screen zoom working.

Go in to your System Preferences/Universal Access, and turn OFF zoom.
Where do you store this knowledge? Thank you so much. I had no idea. I checked on Apple's website (couldn't find anything) I looked through the forums here and I didn't have much hope that it could be fixed. Thanks again, It feels like I just got my vision back!
