Search results

  1. llyrwy

    20" Intel Imac - Keyboard Problem

    My new 20" Macintel has a problem. The Keyboard dies randomly without any apparent cause. When this happens each and every key on the keyboard is non-responsive. The only wawy to fix this is to disconnect and reconnect the keyboard USB connector. I googled this and found there appears to...
  2. llyrwy

    The Shiira Web Browser

    I can't read Japanese, but it seems it is programmed in cocoa.
  3. llyrwy

    The Shiira Web Browser

    Dear all, I stumbled upon this browser, programmed by Japanese, and would be interested in knowing your comments on it. This is the URL: Though I am no expert, I am extremely impressed by the speed and rendering of the browser. After the recent Safari...
  4. llyrwy

    2 dead pixels on iBook screen! :(

    yes I did. the technician told me that if there were visible cracks on the LCD screen, apple would not replace it under the warranty, whereas if there were only patches of white on the screen, it may arguably be categorised as a defect in workmanship or manufacturing defect because the cause is...
  5. llyrwy

    2 dead pixels on iBook screen! :(

    I have a 17" inch Powerbook G4 which came brand new with a dead (red) pixel. No matter how hard I tried, Apple refused to change. 9 months later, I dropped the Powerbook, and the patches of white appeared all over the LCD. I submitted the Powerbook for repair. The technician told me that...
  6. llyrwy

    Supply and Demand: Apple, You Could Do Better!

    the reason seems simple and deliberate. apple intentionally leave supply lower than demand to foster the "desire" out there for its products through the longing and pining that we are all familiar with. one fundamental truth about human consciousness is that we desire what we cannot get.
  7. llyrwy

    My 7B85 Menu Bar is blank on the right side: no date/time and no icons

    Problem fixed! Thanks mtech! It is true this is a problem unique to a Singapore configuration. The apple retailer I called seemed really bored to heear of this problem, I can only guess he has received a large number of calls concerning this. In fact, when I went down to the city centre...
  8. llyrwy

    My 7B85 Menu Bar is blank on the right side: no date/time and no icons

    I installed 7B85 on my 17" Powerbook G4 with 1 gig RAM. This was a clean installation. I had formatted the hard drive before installing. Everything was fresh, including the user account., My problem is the right side of my menu bar is blank. It is supposed to have date/time, bluetooth...
  9. llyrwy

    Diablo 2: how to turn on right mouse button?

    thanks. i fixed the problem by installing the 1.09d patch carbon version. prior to this i was running 1.09 under classic and my mouse, even if selected as multibuttoned, woul d not work properly.
  10. llyrwy

    Diablo 2: how to turn on right mouse button?

    There isnt an option for the right mouse button. These are all provisions for configuring hotkeys. There is no option for giving your right mouse button the effect of "Cmd-click". isnt this supposed to be automatic??
  11. llyrwy

    Diablo 2: how to turn on right mouse button?

    I have a two button Logitech MX500 Optical Mouse but for some reason I the right mouse button has the same function as the left mouse button in the game. I have to press Command-leftmouse button to have the desired effect of the right mouse button. Does anybody know how to configure the...
  12. llyrwy

    Send MOO3 to me in Singapore does not appear to sell MOO3 for Mac. They only sell the PC version.
  13. llyrwy

    Black background with White Text

    I forgot to say that, although it is possible in Jaguar to set the blackground to black, it remains impossible to change the colour of text to white. With this in view, what is the point of having the option to change the background to a black or dark colour, when the text colour always has to...
  14. llyrwy

    17 has arrived!

    I have today just spend a years' savings on the 17" with an addn piece of 512RAM
  15. llyrwy

    Black background with White Text

    I am epileptic. I cant stay too long on the computer with a white background and black text. I risk throwing a fit. I have written before to apple when Mac OS X was 10.1 requesting for an implementation of the GUI allowing for windows and to have black background and white text (yes...
  16. llyrwy

    Send MOO3 to me in Singapore

    I know this is the wrong forum for this but bear with me pls... Is someone out there willing to send a copy of Master of Orion 3 (for mac) to me in Singapore? I will refund you and pay the shipping costs. Pretty please... sites like do not ship to Singapore, and the apple store in...
  17. llyrwy

    Mac laptops cheaper than Dell's offerings?

    Thinkpad's are the best PC laptops. Problem is, that Thinkpads are also the most expensive. In terms of quality and customer support, thinkpads are way better than the rest. the 2nd in line is perhaps the sony vaio. Dell and Gateway cater for the lower end of the market. Personally, I cant...
  18. llyrwy

    Your Mac-- Male or Female? :)

    i dont really personify, much less assign a gender to my computers, preferring instead to regard them as an extension to my own temporal body. upon deeper thought i somewhat regard my mac as a part of my body. hmmm
  19. llyrwy

    Favorite games - thread

    Champsionship Manager 01/02 Championship Manager 4, when it is released in April.