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    It was a font problem. I work in a prepress shop and we need to remove un-nessary fonts from our systems and we use suitecase 10 to manage the fonts. So when I loaded my standard fonts , Bingo, the installer worked fine.
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    I down loaded Safari Beta and got the Safari.dmg file. Next I doubled click the dmg file and it opens disk copy and tries mounting the installer disk but spins nothing more happens. I redown loaded the installer but same problem. Any ideas? Running 10.2.3 G4 dual 1.25
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    USB in OSX

    I did install the lastest WACOM driver and so far it's working. Thanks for the help.
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    USB in OSX

    ED, no luck with the lastest driver update. Still need to unplug and replug. It's not so bad since I use the keyboard port. The sync however only works being pluged into the back port, that's a pain. My It guy said he thought since that USB is slow and the computer being very fast so that...
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    USB in OSX

    I have a USB WACOM tablet and USB sync for my Palm PDA. The problem is when I restart my computer both items arn't reconized and to get them to work I need to unplug and re-plug them back into the USB port, what a pain. I have the lastest upgrades. I running OS 10.2.3 on a 1.25 dual...
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    Pane won't go away

    I found the problem, it was a currupt preference file. I found it by moving the preference folder from my user library to the desktop and then loging out and loging backin rebuliding my preferences, the pane was gone. Next I replaced the preferences one at a time from the removed preferences...
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    Photoshop7 and Jaguar !?!?!?!?

    Was Classic loaded? I made this mistake the other day when I reinstalled Jaguar The reinstall only loaded Jaguar and not Classic.
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    Pane won't go away

    When ever I startup each day the Connect to files server pane opens but I can't do anything with it. It won't respond to cancel or connect it just appears. I have a second monitor so I put it there to get out of the way but does anyone know how I get rid of it? I'm running 10.2.3 on a dual 1 GHz.