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  1. T

    Pre purchasing Questions

    Mac takes a lot of open-source software and puts a fancy GUI on it. It uses PostFix and Cyrus for the mail server and even includes Squirrel Mail for end users. It is using Samba for SMB connection. If you are familiar with Linux, you'll do fine. You can either rely on the GUI, or ignore...
  2. T

    Processes started in terminal end when terminal closed

    Even a background command will be killed sometimes when the shell is closed. Instead, use the 'screen' command. that'll open a virtual window. Type screen at a command prompt to open a virtual session. Run your program, then press Control-A, then Control-D to break away from the screen...
  3. T

    Installing OS X or Server - ssh, ARD or VNC only options

    This is a fun one. Here's a couple links on how to. Basically here's the steps... 1) reboot machine off of installer disk 2) know the IP address of the server - it'll DHCP so you gotta find it. there is an sa_srchr tool you can use to scan the local subnet 3) ssh into the box 4) kick off...
  4. T

    quick questions: iCal and Leopard

    Yes- it will come in Oct. No absolute guarantee, of course - but I'd place a pretty good bet on it. Todd
  5. T

    pdf docs: can I separate pages?

    I guess I would print it - and use the 'Save as PDF' function to print pages 1 through 1, then print again pages 2-2.. etc. Todd
  6. T

    Setting up a Music Server

    One possible solutions would be daapd. It's an open source program which will compile on Mac OS X. It can share music using Apples proprietary protocol DAAP. Compile this software and...
  7. T

    Server SN Expiration

    Thanks guys - that's what I expected. I may set the clock ahead on a test machine just to make sure. I have a client who does not put in their real serial number despite my repeated reminders. I wanted to know how to be prepared to deal with it when it does expire. thanks Todd
  8. T

    Server SN Expiration

    Apple can give tech people OS X Server serial numbers (at least in Higher Ed where I am) which will expire after a certain date (6 months or so in the future). Does anyone know what happens to one of these servers when the serial number does expire? Are the services just disabled? Can I still...
  9. T

    PowerMac G4 933mhz...Will not install Tiger!

    Next thing I would try would be to attempt booting off of a different OS X cd. You may also try a new hard drive in the box. One thing I do is boot off a CD with no hard drive attached - to prove the logic board is not the problem.. This problem is almost certainly hardware. You've already...
  10. T

    Mail Sever

    Postfix is quickly taking over for sendmail as the primary SMTP server. Almost as powerful and a whole lot easier to deal with. That's what OS X Server uses as its default email server. As for a GUI, I don't think so. You could get a GUI by buying OS X Server, but that would negate the...
  11. T

    CandyBar icons safe ???

    I used it to change some icons then threw it away. My icons are stll there and I haven't had any problems! I'm using 10.2.6- I may have updated since then, but I'm not sure.
  12. T

    Totally disabling Sticky Keys?

    I don't know a lot about how Sticky Keys works, but I do see an on/off button that seems to work. Under OS X, open System Preferences and choose Universal Access. You'll see an option to turn off Sticky Keys there. HTH -todd-
  13. T

    Imaging New Computers

    When we get a new machine from Apple, we image it so it is ready for a user (our site-licensed software, etc.). Since OS X, using Apple Software Restore has been unreliable especially between different types of computers. And now that Apple is canning OS 9, that option appears to be out...
  14. T

    can't click the "click the lock to make changes" button when installing

    I'm still going with my first though- the installer program is bad. Perhaps you can copy it from the installer CD? If not, write back and I'll see if I can get it to you somehow. I'm off to a meeting- good luck... -todd-
  15. T

    can't click the "click the lock to make changes" button when installing

    Ouch, that's not good... There's a couple of possibilities. 1- the installer applications is corrupted. It's in /Applications/Utilities/ You can try to replace that with one from another machine.. 2- Something to do with your account. Make a new admin account and try it again logged...
  16. T

    Is an iBook G3 500mhz fast enough for OS X?

    I'm running OS X on a B&W G3 350 with 256 and it runs well enough (as backup to G4DP800). Doing too much and it'll bog down (Photoshop or some MS Word stuff). Just browing the web and it's fine. I'd suggest your upgrade your RAM a bit and go ahead. -todd-
  17. T

    force setup assn't

    That did it- thanks!
  18. T

    force setup assn't

    I heard that there is a file which is created when the setup assistant is run (when you first boot up your mac os X computer). If you delete this file, the next time you reboot, you'll get that setup assistant at startup. I know it can be done because if have some documentation on creating OS...
  19. T

    Startup Setup Assnt on next boot

    I remember hearing once that there was a file to delete which would force the Setup assistant (the program you saw after you first unpacked your mac) to come on at next boot. Anyone know what that file is or where? Thanks -todd-
  20. T

    Login Window Shakes!!!!

    This actually came from NeXT. When NeXT was developed many years ago it did this. Once Apple took NeXT a few years ago and began the transition, Apple used this idea when building Multiple Users and OS X login.