Our company is using a freeBSD computer right now and I'm doing research to see if we can switch to windows because windows is easier to manage and operate however I had another thought, how about a mac server? A mac server would be as stable and secure as freebsd but have the usability of windows. The biggest issue is that I've never touched a mac server so I don't know what programs comes with the server os and what doesn't.
The server will need to:
be a mail-gate and pass the email onto an exchange server
host websites
host FTP
Also, we have active directory installed on our main server, how would mac os x server do in that kind of environment? it wouldn't happen to be able to be a backup active directory server would it? I don't think it would but i thought I might as well ask. Also, my last question is what kind of hardware do I need? can osx leopard server work on any any mac or is there a server that i need to buy that the mac server will work on?
The server will need to:
be a mail-gate and pass the email onto an exchange server
host websites
host FTP
Also, we have active directory installed on our main server, how would mac os x server do in that kind of environment? it wouldn't happen to be able to be a backup active directory server would it? I don't think it would but i thought I might as well ask. Also, my last question is what kind of hardware do I need? can osx leopard server work on any any mac or is there a server that i need to buy that the mac server will work on?