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  1. R

    uninstalling mysql

    hey! thx a lot for reply! ;) finally have it done...end up deleting the whole 'usr/local/mysql' folder. btw...i've tried searching for the folder in 'Finder' but can't seem to locate. had to get into 'Terminal' to delete folder via command. why is it so?
  2. R

    uninstalling mysql

    i've got a problem. i've install Xampp on my mac all worked but the SQL server. apparently the port clashes with 'existing' mysql server running on my mac. how can i remove this independent version of mysql in the following path 'usr/local/mysql'?
  3. R

    installing php5 and mysql

    how do i go abt doing it? is there a guide anywhere? i'm running osx 10.3.9. btw... i found this on mac support page on enabling php. For 10.3 or later Open Server Admin. Select the Web service from the desired server in the Computers & Services list. Click on Settings. Click Modules...
  4. R

    memory space 'eaten' up

    managed to retrieve 4+gb of memory space by deleting off the application folder. just wondering..what 'standard' folders should be in the User directory? btwe..thanx to all who replied.
  5. R

    memory space 'eaten' up

    ok..i did a omnisweep and realised i've got duplicate of applications/documents etc in user folder. (saved under my user profile.) and worse of all..this folder includes files which i've already deleted from the main Application folder. question is...are these 2 linked? how can i save some...
  6. R

    memory space 'eaten' up

    thx a lot for replies guys. i've tried above methods. manage to get my hard drive to 8.02gb. and's down to 7.82gb despite not running any programs and doing another clean up with onyx. (can't seem to run yasu..keeps hanging)'s still far frm my initial 8.8gb. any other...
  7. R

    memory space 'eaten' up

    i'm currently running OS X 1.3.9. recently notice that my harddisk space been reduced from 8.8 gb to 7.9gb within 2 months. tracking back i... 1) did not install any programs 2) copies less than 30 mb of mp3 3) ran updates as it prompts 4) ran usual applications like mail/safari (i...