Search results

  1. Mark Douma

    Graphics card for G4/PCI (Yikes)

    Yeah, as you can see from my signature, I've successfully flashed a PC version of the card w/ 64 MB of VRAM. [Link Removed as flashing violates the firmwares license.] Access to a PC with a PCI slot is required. Just thought I'd mention that here it is 1 1/2 years later and there's...
  2. Mark Douma

    Picture of your Desktop

    Hi there, We at Apple's Discussions' site had a thread going similar to the "sticky" at the top of this forum. Rather than a picture of your setup, we were posting screen captures of our desktop. See here: Apparently...
  3. Mark Douma

    Graphics card for G4/PCI (Yikes)

    The Yikes! G4 is the earliest model G4 there was. I don't know the exact history.... Actually, just found it here: Apple basically slapped a G4 chip on a modified version of the Yosemite B/W G3 motherboard. The Yikes...
  4. Mark Douma

    Help: Systems Keeps Dialing to the Internet

    I think you're right on with this but I think the Control Panel you want is the TCP/IP control panel not the Apple Talk one. In the TCP/IP control panel, click the options button and make sure that the "enable only when needed" is checked. Sorry, not sure of the exact wording--it's been a while...
  5. Mark Douma

    What is your speed encoding an audio cd to MP3s?

    You could try ripping the raw data from the CD (AIFF for mac, .wav for PC) rather than MP3 format. That would take the overhead of the MP3 compression out of the question. I actually have 2 internal optical drives--I fit a CDRW drive in the Zip bay underneath my OEM DVD ROM drive. Importing...
  6. Mark Douma

    Graphics card for G4/PCI (Yikes)

    You could try overclocking it to 450 Mhz for free. (Well, I paid $10 for a small fan that hangs underneath my CDRW drive.) I've been running stable for 8 months, so far. I think we're the last machine to be able to overclock it by just setting the jumpers...