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  1. K

    Brother 1440 on print server network

    I have a Brother HL-1440 on a print server in another room in the house. It worked well under Panther. After installing Tiger it will not print. The job starts and then stops with no activity at the printer end. I have reset the print server (Airlink) and the printer to no avail. I have...
  2. K

    Am I losing my mind?(Quite likely!)

    I have 10.2.3 and Fruit Menu. Using Ctrl + click or right click on a multi button mouse will open the menu (or at least does for me:) ) Good Luck
  3. K

    Register Here

    Register Me
  4. K

    Chimera 0.6 is out!

    Originally posted by MacLuv I think Chimera is great, but it still needs a little more work to be perfect... go to and see if your system crashes on you... It didn't crash for me either. I use the apple+W to close individual tabs and it works fine.
  5. K

    updating problem

    You need to install the installer update ( and the security update which I think is...
  6. K

    Office v X Entourage

    Have you checked the 'authenticate' option in the smtp additional settings area (may be called advanced or something). I believe that I was getting the same error when I first set up Entourage and had to check that option to send mail. Unfortunately, I am not at home right now or I would be...
  7. K

    Are you a full time OS X user yet?

    I am also reasonably new to Macs. I converted in November, 2000 when I couldn't stand the pressure any longer and bought a G4 Cube (just to cool not to have!). I started using OS X a couple of months after it was released and have never turned back. If it won't run in OS X, I don't buy it...
  8. K

    Mail vs Entourage?

    I ended up staying with Entourage instead of changing to Mail. Although Mail looks pretty cool, I couldn't find a way to delete mail without it downloading to my machine first. (I do use IMAP settings.) This is a very simple thing in Entourage.
  9. K

    HAHAH Apple's home page link is broken

    Seems to be working fine to me.