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  1. S

    Unix X11 window forwarding....

    When you say "Window forwarding" do you mean sending the DISPLAY to another UNIX or X-Window compliant DISPLAY? If so its: sh> DISPLAY=hostname:0.0 sh> export DISPLAY ksh> export DISPLAY=hostname:0.0 csh> setenv DISPLAY hostname:0.0 Whne you execute any X-window clients they...
  2. S

    Yellow Dog VS Mandrake PPC

    Don't know much about Yellow Dog, however if Mandrake has got past some of its installer problems on the PPC its a solid distribution. One other things about Mandrake (Red Hat kernel), they make a version for most processors and they usually keep the PPC version up with the Intel version...
  3. S

    MySQL getting started

    Again many thanks for more links and detail. I will definately look at PostGreSQL as soon as this small project is under way. Once I've got a good idea where I can go with this, I want to take a look at writting a query through athe browser, which will correlate data from ORACLE and other...
  4. S

    [HOWTO] - Use Firewire "target" mode

    Take a look at FireWalk, ok its commercial but it permits networking via Firwire.
  5. S

    Upgrade to 10.2 have I lost my MYSQL data

    I loaded MySQL and eSuite4x, managed to creat some database but could create users of the database. I kept getting answers like, "users" read only. I changed the persmissions, but this didn't change much. Would you suggest a resinstall of the package and start from scratch? What doi...
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    Connect from a PC to 10.2? How?

    Hmm, when we first started using Windows 2000 we had problems, I'll have to try and dig up what it was we did, may have been bug fixes. We for some reason or another couldn't rename folders, Windows 95/98 no problem, however we were able to copy the folder locally, rename it and the copy it...
  7. S

    Truth about Apple performance (OS+hardware)

    I read some of the article above, so what they are saying is that matcing up a top of the Range Gatway running a P4 at 2.4 Ghz with an iMac running a G4 at 800Mhz is a fair test. Anway it still came out really well in the end as being as good. Why didn't they set up a Desktop .vs. Desktop...
  8. S

    setting up samba for wins information.

    Are you trying to connect your MacOSX machine to Windows Server or are you setting up a SAMBA server on the Mac OR are you setting up a MacOSX machine as a SAMBA server but also tring to connect to another server as well? MacOSX can connect to a Windows environment without setting up SAMBA.
  9. S

    Jaguar LOSES speed on my G4 PowerMac

    Type "top -u" in a terminal window, this wil provide you with an active sorted list with the biggest hogs at the top. Take a look at: uptime (if the load values are well over 5 then things should be slowing down) iostat 5 5 (list iostatus every 5 seconds for 5 repetitions) 9.3 %...
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    DVD-R write tme for 2X

    For setting how DVD etc works, open System Preferences and take a look at "CD & DVD".
  11. S

    Truth about Apple performance (OS+hardware)

    I am not sure what SPEC get upto, disregarding MacoSX for the moment, when you run Eclipse (Oil & Gas res management number crunching package) on a 1024 cluster of PPCs and then run the same thing on Pentium cluster - albeit under Linux with kernel extensions to handle the environment - the...
  12. S

    Truth about Apple performance (OS+hardware)

    I am not sure what SPEC get upto, disregarding MacoSX for the moment, when you run Eclipse (Oil & Gas res management number crunching package) on a 1024 cluster of PPCs and then run the same thing on Pentium cluster - albeit under Linux with kernel extensions to handle the environment - the...
  13. S

    Quicktime 6 Pro keys

    I upgraded to Quicktime Pro 6. I entered the KEYS and the product upgrades ok. I have tested the new functionality, yup it works. I login to my project account to see if the functionality is available, NO ITS NOT. I put in the KEYS again, no luck all I get is a Quicktime 6 player, NOT...
  14. S

    Best Flavor of Linux for Mac?

    Have used Mandrake 8.1 and 8.2 (version 9 is out now) on Apple and Intel (its also compiled for other platforms). Whats good about Mandrake is its installation and packaging, its a no-brainer, with lots of stuff included. Its a very active site with lots of...