Search results

  1. M

    Getting AOL main through

    I want to recieve and send mail from my AOL account through, but don't know how to make it work. Well, I know how, I just don't have all the information necessary to do it. I need to know whether AOL is POP or IMAP, I need a port number and I need to know AOL's incoming and outgoing...
  2. M

    iWorks - office replacement

    Why won't it be called iWorks? Come on man, give some credibility to your claims. Just kidding, what makes you think not? I'm curious. magnolia1240
  3. M

    New OS X Feature...what do you think?

    I would like to see Mac OS X include some type of "tabbed desktops", similar to the Tabbed Browser feature on many Internet Browsers. For example... I would like to open iCal, Address Book and Mail on Desktop1, leave all the files and windows open and then be able to switch to Desktop2...
  4. M

    I want to get a mac, help plz

    No budget contraints; get a 12" PowerBook. Budget contraints; get a 12" iBook. The iMac is cool, but Apple has started to focus more on making its laptops really, really awesome. The new PBs are killer. Make sure that you have at least 256mb of RAM in anything you buy if you want to run OS...
  5. M

    Gotta resinstall DVD Player....oops....

    Munsey, I had this exact same problem myself. I searched and searched, asked many questions, subscribed to seven different bulletin boards and downloaded and installed DVD Player 3.1 about half-a-dozen times before I figured out what the problem was. Opening your System Profiler and...
  6. M

    Trying to find Claris Cad for OS X or something???

    If you are wanting a program for simple drafting then I would suggest Vectorworks 9.0 (or is it 9.5 now, can't remember). It is a killer drafting program native to the Mac and has been updated for OS X. If you want to do rendering and animation work then I would suggest Maya without...
  7. M

    Address Book and AOL

    I have an AOL account that I just can't stand paying for, but have been using it for the past 8 years and its the only email address that anyone knows me by. I have all of my contacts set up in Apple's Address Book application, but its nothing more than a glorified excel sheet with everyone's...
  8. M

    leaving mac on?

    Croft Go ahead and leave the machine on. Today's computers are made to be left on all the time. That is the purpose of the sleep mode. A few years ago consumer machines weren't made to do this. Only business grade machines were. But because the computer has evolved as it has, all...
  9. M

    iBook problem

    BBenve, Your problem is not all that foriegn to me, though it is a little different. The same thing happened on my sisters 333mhz iMac (strawberry, I think). I had just gone through and cleaned her system, found a massive virus and decided it was best to start from scratch (saving what...
  10. M

    DVD Player Troubles...again

    Anyone and everyone, Well, the saga ended earlier tonight. I decided just to give up and reinstall 10.2. In the installer there is an option to save your old "System" in a new folder called "Previous Systems". I did this. It took my old "System" and put it in the new folder and created...
  11. M

    DVD Player Troubles...again

    A continuation... The wonderful, underused program, Apple System Profiler has told me that recently (when I opened the DVD Player) that a crash was reported. I looked at the Crash Log in the Console (another cool little program) and it told me that I was missing a file or two...
  12. M

    DVD Player Troubles...again

    Anyone and everyone, I am still having problems with my DVD Player (v.3.1.1). When I double-click the application icon to launch it, the icon appears in the Dock, the little triangle flashes beneath it and suddenly (after about three flashes of the triangle), the application stops opening...
  13. M

    Truth about Apple performance (OS+hardware)

    I'm sorry, but you will need to direct me to the "who-gives-a-flying-rat's-@$$" website. The majority of people who use Macs don't really care how fast their machine is, as long as it runs all the applications it needs to without taking 5 minutes to load. I don't know many Mac users who...
  14. M

    DVD Player Troubles in 10.2

    So, I make the trip down to my newly opened Apple Store and I purchase a copy of Jaguar. I take it home, install the thing and it works beautifully. The next day, I am sitting on the couch and I decide I want to watch a DVD on my laptop. I insert the disc and DVD Player launches. Only...