DVD Player Troubles...again


Anyone and everyone,

I am still having problems with my DVD Player (v.3.1.1). When I double-click the application icon to launch it, the icon appears in the Dock, the little triangle flashes beneath it and suddenly (after about three flashes of the triangle), the application stops opening and disappears from my Dock. I don't have the DVD Player set in my dock so it would appear there every time I open it and quickly go away.

This has only happened since I installed 10.2. 10.2.1 didn't even fix it.

I have consulted hundreds of people (literally) and I haven't been able to find a solution. I think I may be missing a file. So, what I am asking is that someone list for my the "package contents" of the DVD Player.app. Contextual menu to get them and tell me what is there, all of it.

I know it will probably take a while to type all of the files in each folder, but I really need to fix this. There are my only source of entertainment since I don't own a TV. Even the internet can get boring after extended periods of time.

Much thanks to anyone who can help. I appreciate it. I am a desperate man in need of desperate help. Thanks.

A continuation...

The wonderful, underused program, Apple System Profiler has told me that recently (when I opened the DVD Player) that a crash was reported. I looked at the Crash Log in the Console (another cool little program) and it told me that I was missing a file or two.

/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/"HIServices.Framework" was missing.

It was actually looking for a file inside that "Framework" folder, but since the folder didn't exist, neither could the file.

Upon DVD Player startup it was looking for a file called "HIServices" inside the "HIServices.Framework" folder. You get the idea.

How important is this file? Everything else runs fine. I checked every application on my computer, and they all work normally.

Someone who knows X better than me should be able to help, right?

If this had been Classic I would have the solved the problem easily, I was good at that OS. Damn, I'm rambling. Ok, bye now. I appreciate anything anyone can give me on this. Thanks a bunch.

I found the file so here is the path (10.2.1):


Plus there is an alias in the HlServices.Framework Folder.

I know that's deep in the system. Good luck.
Anyone and everyone,

Well, the saga ended earlier tonight. I decided just to give up and reinstall 10.2. In the installer there is an option to save your old "System" in a new folder called "Previous Systems". I did this.

It took my old "System" and put it in the new folder and created a new one from scratch. DVD PLAYER WORKS NOW!!!

It was a good idea to do this because when I went to open the life-blood of my livelyhood, iCal, that old problem I was having with DVD Player popped up. iCal wouldn't start.

I went to crash log, found out what files it was looking for, logged in as the root and replaced the files in the "PrivateFrameworks" folder and what do you know? IT WORKED!!!

The moral of this long, over dramatic story? Never get rid of your old "System" until 3 years down the line. J/K I will probably erase the old "System" folder in about two or three weeks, just to be sure.

As they say in "Almost Famous", I AM A GOLDEN GOD!!!

Thanks to everyone who helped, I appreciate it lots.
