Search results

  1. AppMan

    Internet Connect / VPN

    Im looking for a way to configure and connect to a VPN server automatically using applescript. Is this possible?
  2. AppMan

    [How To]hide an app from the dock

  3. AppMan

    i problems

    Unfortunately laser surgery is not an option for me. My keratoconus hasn't advance too far yet and is only in one eye. Basically my cornea, the outer lense of your eye, is not perfectly round so everything is blurry or distorted. My only options are corneal transplants. (ewwww) and or custom...
  4. AppMan

    i problems

    I was just diagnosed with Keratoconus. I was wondering if anyone here has expierience with it and how they treated it. :confused:
  5. AppMan

    The Super-Song Thread

    those Apple cubes were cool- but didn't sell
  6. AppMan

    What are piles exactly?

    I make piles about twice a day, sometimes 3 times depending on what I eat. :D
  7. AppMan

    Panther Features

    Too bad it doesn't work well with Panther.
  8. AppMan

    Panther Features

    Cool feature in Panther: Classic Status in Menu Bar. (Forgive me if this is a repeat)
  9. AppMan

    Fast User Switching

    F A S T !
  10. AppMan

    Panther, How fast does it "Run"

    Nothing Disk Util couldn't fix. :)
  11. AppMan

    Panther, How fast does it "Run"

    I disabled journaling and upon reboot it crashed. Kernal Panic! Yikes@!
  12. AppMan

    Panther, How fast does it "Run"

    Runs great on my 933 w/ a gig of ram. I am impressed.
  13. AppMan

    Do you use Apple mail or other?

    I still use Eudora (Ugh), I don't know if its my setup or what, but Apple Mail seems to want to index every time I click on a mail box. My mail boxes have 2 years worth of mail so this makes the indexing to take forever. Hopefully the Apple Mail included in Panther fixes this.
  14. AppMan

    Panther Features, what have you found?

    You can also monitor net activity in the dock. (I think this is new)
  15. AppMan

    Disk Copy?

    i imagined that, but didn't test it. Thanks for the info.
  16. AppMan

    Disk Copy?

    Did anyone else notice that Disk Copy is missing from 10.3 Pre-release?
  17. AppMan

    Apple has shortcuts to the G5 page up!!!!!

    hey i noticed you have an EyeTV. Do you recommend it?