
  1. LordCoven

    Mail attachments :(

  2. B

    Mail configuratin problems.

  3. G

    Mail Signature

  4. N

    Mail Disaster

  5. G

    Mail on G5 using PowerBook data

  6. D

    recover delted mail for mac osx

    hi, i was wondering could anybody help. i removed my pop account with all my email. but all my mail seems to have gone. i added the pop account but cannott seem to find them. i looked for mail on hard drive but it only conists of archives on hard drive. does anybody know of any utilites that...
  7. S

    importing emails from to Mail in Tiger

    Hello all I have upgraded from an old iMac G3 (running OSX 3.9) to an iMac G5 (10.4.3) I have opened mail app and set up my account (the same as I had before) I copied my entire home folder to my ext hardisk I now wish to import my mailboxes (and all my old mesages) into mail I did this...
  8. C

    can't put attachments on Mail with NTL ISP

    I've just successfully connected my eMac running 10.2.8 connected via Airport to a router using NTLworld as the ISP, and now I can't seem to add attachments when I'm sending emails... added to this the uploading is very slow (though download speed is fine)... uploading and attachment used to...
  9. D

    Mail Server & Tiger

    Hello, does anyone know an easy to set up and WORKING mail system for Tiger? I am using IpSwitch Imail, on my Win Servers, and I would really like to find something similar (complete and easy user interface, reliable) for TIGER. I tried to set up the mail server using Tiger built-in mail...
  10. D

    From Outlook to Mail.

    Hi it's first time that I write here and I can't write English very well: I hope You'll understand what I mean. I've got an old iMac G3 and I'm witching it from Mac OS 9.2.2 to Mac OS X 10.3.9. Before I was using Outlook Express for mai e-mail, but now I'd like to use Mail, importing all my old...
  11. T

    Mail crash and pdf document stuck

    Some of my emails that I have already downloaded and read have disappeared leaving me with a message that says, "The message from ......concerning......has not been downloaded from the server. You need to take this account online in order to download it." I cannot move or delete these messages...
  12. applemaz

    Check Mail remotely using SSH and X11

    All I want to do is get my mail securely while surfing the web at a public wifi access point. However, I am not allowed to set up a ssh tunnel to my ISP and get my mail securely. I can ssh to my Desktop G5 using my iBook, but when I "open" the app opens on my remote G5 desktop only...
  13. P

    OSX Mail 2.0 attachments (Word) do not open

    Hi, I'm new to MACOSX and OSX and have a question for you that is driving me nuts. I bought a new G5 a little while back and it came with MS Office 30 day trial. I had a stand alone Word 2004 package that I installed on my new Mac so for 30 days I had two copies of Word on my new Mac...
  14. S

    Mac Mail Help

    I added a signature to my e-mail, and tried to add a company logo (pdf format) but when I try to print, or preview it, it doesn't show up. If I'm creating a new e-mail, it appears there until I try and print it, or preview the page. Do I have some sort of setting I need to change? I just...
  15. Jasper Joppe Geers

    How can I automate Mail???

    Hi all.. Another new guy here... Jasper it is.. I just got my first Mac OSX software installed, and try to set everything as much as I used to on OS9.. Now, on my previous machine I used outlook, and had my account set in this way that it automaticaly sent and received my mail every 5...
  16. N

    Mail 1.3.11 - Sent Emails Disappeared

    How do I retrieve my emails that disappeared in front of my eyes - mail suddenly said "compositing" - what does that mean? Are they all deleted, or are they still on my machine? Please please help!! x
  17. D

    Setting root mail folder

    I'm trying to set up Mail 1.3.11 (under OS 10.3.9). My e-mail account provider tells me I may need to set my root mail folder to "mail/" so that the mail client doesn't show other system files in the home directory. Sure enough I do need to do this (I can see several system folders in...