10.1 and Internet


happy (again)
I just installed the 10.1 update (this also happened in 10.0.4). OS X just connects to the internet for no reason. Even with zero apps open. Does anyone know how to stop this?
How do you know it's connecting to the internet? Is it giving you an IP address? -- if it is, I think that's just a dummy IP address that doesn't mean a thing.
"How do you know it's connecting to the internet?"

It connects to the internet. Trust me. Any ideas?
Assuming you're not connecting with a modem... go to System Preferences / Network.

In the TCP/IP tab, choose to configure manually, and in all the fields, fill in for ip addresses.

Then make sure appletalk/file sharing and everything is turned off too (if you want).

I'm pretty sure that will do it.

...you could also take the ethernet cord out of the back of your computer. That will definately do it. :)
Try going to "System Preferences" and then select "Network." Under the PPP tab, press the button at the bottom labeled, "PPP Options." Make sure that the first box, labeled, "Connect automatically when starting TCP/IP applications" is UNchecked. It's possible that when you log in under 10.1 it's starting some TCP/IP program in the background or something. Or maybe not, but give this method a try.