10.1 Announced Tomorrow - Weeks End


Staff member
MacMinute.com is reporting that 10.1 will in fact be announced tomorrow, but will not be available until Friday at midnight. They are report NO DOWNLOAD will be available.

All I can say is that no terrorists better bomb or do anything to disable flights for shipping.... and delay 10.1 any further.

Goes back to what Steve Jobs said... Free Upgrade, $20 ship & handing fee. I imagine you will be able to order it from the Apple Store. In addition, with the embargo until Friday midnight, I'd imagine it will also give ample time to get 10.1 out to shelves of local computer stores... but whether this is the upgrade or the full retail version.. who knows. For those who have already paid for the beta & 10.0 releases... (like me) I am not going to pay full retail for 10.1... and will wait to get it through snail mail.

WHY Apple would choose not to do a download is BEYOND ME.

I am sorry to say this to the admin, and i am sorry if this will ban me from here... but GROW UP
There are bigger prob than X10.1..... i am waiting for it.. but i think is bad to make fun of a story like the one that happened....once again GROW up!!!!!! terrorist, are no game!!!!
Do you think they mean midnight on Friday as in I can get it during the day on Friday, or as in I'm really getting it on Saturday? Just wondering. We'll possibly find out tomorrow, though.
Originally posted by BBenve
I am sorry to say this to the admin, and i am sorry if this will ban me from here... but GROW UP
There are bigger prob than X10.1..... i am waiting for it.. but i think is bad to make fun of a story like the one that happened....once again GROW up!!!!!! terrorist, are no game!!!!

C'mon man, lighten up. The ability to laugh in the face of adversity is of great value. No one is making fun of the tragic deaths in NYC, just making fun of our own trivial obsession with 10.1.
Well if you can stil;l have a joy.... in this moment of pain.. i am sorry for you.. i mean .. i am waiting for X and i was soo obsessed by it too.. but now.. it's not a big deal...
once again there are things that are more important
As has been noted before, the reason that Apple has not posted 10.1 for download is because it is hellishly large. Sheesh, just go to a Apple retail store or authorized reseller, and I'm sure they'll have the upgrade package, as long as you go to a well-known retailer.
Didn't George W state the other day that it was the official ending of Americas mourning period- "to show that America is strong and will rebuild"..."raise your flags to full mast"...

I saw that on TV.

Good God, that was the stupidest thing I have ever heard, and to come from our President. Since when does the President decide when we shall stop mourning our losses?

On a lighter note, while I am still quite numb from the terrorist activities, I DO think it is ok to defer my thoughts to other issues so I am not always depressed and paranoid. And my Mac OS is perfect for that. CREATIVITY!!

There is a poop-load of things more important to all of us than Mac OSX ( at least i sure as hell hope so ).
Originally posted by swizcore
Didn't George W state the other day that it was the official ending of Americas mourning period- "to show that America is strong and will rebuild"..."raise your flags to full mast"...

A terrorist succedes when he/she creates terror. The President is just saying that we need to show *them* that we are strong.

I agree, though, its hard to draw the line between pride and sorrow (and the line, of course is patriotism).

But if we can still be strong, and show no fear, then the terrorists have lost.

Obviously, it will be a long time before America (as well as other nations) 'recover'. And we may never, really, recover.

And, BTW, it is pretty standard for the leader of a nation to declare an official time of morning. Just look at Russia, or Isreal. Part of being a representative republic like the USA means we can make individual choices, too.

So George Walker B. hasn't really decided when *your* time of morning is over.

Back to 10.1....... so if its $20 for S&h, well, there shouldn't be any shipping involved in buying something from the apple store. I just don't know what they will do. Jobs said it would be free plus S&h. Stores don't have S&h.... But apple likes (as most companies do) to make money whenever possable.... any thoughts?
well said:D

In addition, I dont care about paying 20 bills for the upgrade.
I just want the pretty blue box- oh no, here I go again...
Back to 10.1....... so if its $20 for S&h, well, there shouldn't be any shipping involved in buying something from the apple store. I just don't know what they will do. Jobs said it would be free plus S&h. Stores don't have S&h.... But apple likes (as most companies do) to make money whenever possable.... any thoughts? [/B]

It cost to SHIP those big boxes to the Apple Store. :) It costs to print the CDs and the cardboard box it comes in. That is HANDLING. :)

If they sell the UPGRADE locally and I can pick it up here in town on Friday or Saturday... okay, will do... but it would have to be a Apple Dealer, CompUSA or MicroCenter for that to happen.

OR, I suppose, overnigh delivery via FedEx... for Saturday delivery would be fine as well. I think it should be available tomorrow for download. Heck, I'd even pay $20 to download it tomorrow. :)

This goes out to the terrorist and suffering post:

It is treated seriously but life needs to go on.
We cannot be consumed by one thing.
After all there are a million problems on this planet, we work on the slowly but surelly. People are dying from AIDS in africa, and from starvation in the STAN states (paki,afghani,azerbaz etc), too many people in china, overcrowsing, people suffering from radion in chernobil....our problem is not the first problem this world has had and it wont be the last.

We will solve it as all problems are solved. We need to smile and uplift the moral in order to be effective
I agree life goes on....and i also agree this is not the first or last problem.....but ...a little bit of feeling .. i know i am only 21 and this tragedy is one of the "biggest" i have seen some of you.. prob few have seen the war, and this is nothing compared to that... but for me is big, and while you are discussing about ...oh i hope terrorist won't shoot down the plane with Mac os X... i am here thinking...... i am not even american, but i live here in america... i moved here last summer... and it made me cry to see al that american flags......yeah i felt american too.. even if only for few days ...
Now smiling and having fun.. it's ok... but ....let's not make "fun" or have fun.. speaking about a tragedy please..... i ask it to everyone.. please do it for me :-)

Hi All,
I am sooo looking forward to the release of OSX as I have been playing with an early beta and it is fast and exactly how it should be!
The one thing that is a hassle for those of us outside the US (australia) is that we really do need the ability to download the update as of course we won;t have access to it on FRiday or Saturday and I am sure as hell not going to order it from the Apple Store in the US and wait another 2 weeks for it to get here.

Unfortunately those of us outside the US sometimes get a bit left behind when these things are decided. :(
Well I will be 21 in december.
I think that people making fun of this tragedy are idiots...like the "why did they jump off the WTC ? - because they thought they were supermen"--I mean come on! The people that made these up are idiots.

People can be light hearted though a little bit.. its just a part of life :)

I think its wise to say that ANY senseful man felt something last week, a feeling of sorrow for the lost ones and a feeling of disgust for the people that commited these acts.