I am having a major probloem with OS X 10.1 and my Dual USB DVD IceBook.
Everytime i am working in OS X.1 about every 5-7 minutes my iBook will completely freeze!!!!!!! All that I can do is move the mouse, but nothing works, complete freeze!!!! This lasts indefiently until I close the lid and about a minute later the iBook is forced to go to sleep!!! Then when I wake it up I am working again but after 5 minutes it freezes again!!!!! This is very annoying and I have already tried reinstalling 4 times, twice I zeroed the drive, and still I freeze, I removed the extra 256MB and The Airport card and I still freeze.
This never happened in 10.0.4 and certaintly doesnt happen in 9.2.1. i am very upset and I was wondering if any of ya'all are having similar problems.
Other than this major annoyance OS X.1 is great, speed is awesome until i freeze!!!!
Any help?
Everytime i am working in OS X.1 about every 5-7 minutes my iBook will completely freeze!!!!!!! All that I can do is move the mouse, but nothing works, complete freeze!!!! This lasts indefiently until I close the lid and about a minute later the iBook is forced to go to sleep!!! Then when I wake it up I am working again but after 5 minutes it freezes again!!!!! This is very annoying and I have already tried reinstalling 4 times, twice I zeroed the drive, and still I freeze, I removed the extra 256MB and The Airport card and I still freeze.

Other than this major annoyance OS X.1 is great, speed is awesome until i freeze!!!!

Any help?