Originally posted by ABassCube
I have an iBook Graphite SE/466 MHz with an 8 MB ATI RAGE Mobility, and Unreal Tournament runs great in OS 9! I have the resolution at 640x180, 32-bit color, and Textures and Detail at medium. It runs extremely smoothly. I've never had a framerate problem. In Classic in OS X, however, it's a different story. It is very jumpy when I put it on these settting in Classic. I have to bring it down to 16-bit color, and I have to put the texture details on low. Alice does not run so well on my machine (even in OS 9), especially on Pool of Tears. On Pool of Tears, I have to turn all the details and textues all the way down, but on other levels, I can have them on medium, or even high. I don't know how you guys are getting Alice to run better in X than 9. I don't have 10.1 yet, but Alice runs horribly in 10.0.4.
Summoner runs fine on my computer in 9, but it runs pretty badly in X.
Anyone know when Unreal Tournament and Summoner is coming out for OS X, and when an update of Alice will come out that will make it run better in X?