10.2.5 is here boys and gals...

Originally posted by fryke
Just installing. Will post results of my restart afterwards... :)

UPDATE: Did fsck on grey Apple screen for about 40 seconds, then started fast as usually. No probs at all. Great update. :)
How do you figure out what it is doing undeneath the grey screen?

edit: ... Just saw the Command-V thing...
magpie: I agree on the speed issue. I usually discount people's reports on speed increases after an update because a simple reboot can also improve speed. But after running for a while I seriously think the system is faster.
Alright, I hope I remember this: if you want to permanently enable verbose booting mode type this into Terminal:

sudo nvram boot-args="-v"

The -v means verbose booting. -s is single-user mode, and nothing ("") will return startup to the normal gray screen. (as will rebooting in OS 9 and resetting PRAM, incidentally).
did anyone notice that if you minimize a window to the dock, you can now control-click it and close it IN the dock? You could already do it when you minized in place (but that's not an offical feature)

really good apple!
Originally posted by senne
did anyone notice that if you minimize a window to the dock, you can now control-click it and close it IN the dock? You could already do it when you minized in place (but that's not an offical feature)

really good apple!

i can't..
I have a weird problem with a slowdown with 10.2.5 ONLY on my PowerBook. Process Viewer says the Finder 60% to 99% of cpu use. When I remove the file "com.apple.finder.plist" and restart the finder, all returns to normal (around 0-1% of processer usage), and the computer re-establishes a virgin com.apple.finder.plist

However, after an hour or two, the com.apple.finder.plist file had grown from 4K to 16K, and the processor use was back up to 99%!

Beats me!?
If you compare a 'small' .plist file to a big one, what differences can you see? Maybe that'll give you/us a clue... What about the console logs? Any errors to be found? You might want to post this to Mac OS X System & Software if you won't find out.

Also: Make sure you test this with a second user on the same machine. Does it happen there, too?
Originally posted by Snowball
Alright, I hope I remember this: if you want to permanently enable verbose booting mode type this into Terminal:

sudo nvram boot-args="-v"

The -v means verbose booting. -s is single-user mode, and nothing ("") will return startup to the normal gray screen. (as will rebooting in OS 9 and resetting PRAM, incidentally).
Hmmm... The man page aslo includes info for the -p flag that prints out all firmware variables:
~: nvram -p
fcode-debug?    false
real-size       -1
virt-base       -1
ASVP    010717000600
diag-switch?    false
use-generic?    false
screen-#rows    40
oem-banner?     false
ram-size        0x48000000
virt-size       -1
input-device-1  scca
output-device-1 scca
diag-device     enet
use-nvramrc?    false
real-mode?      false
default-mac-address?    false
boot-command    mac-boot
mouse-device    mouse
input-device    keyboard
output-device   screen
boot-device     mac-io/ata-4@1f000/@1:9,\\:tbxi
screen-#columns 100
auto-boot?      true
oem-logo?       false
pci-probe-mask  -1
diag-file       ,diags
scroll-lock     true
load-base       0x800000
selftest-#megs  0
real-base       -1
little-endian?  false
I don't really know what this means, but some of them are interesing:
oem-banner? (What OEM's?)
input-device keyboard (STDIN?)
output-device screen (STDOUT?)
oem-logo? (Again with the OEM's??)
Ah, that OEM-logo stuff is only for clone makers and for that Mac OS X version running on x86 hardware, don't bother. ;-)
Originally posted by senne
did anyone notice that if you minimize a window to the dock, you can now control-click it and close it IN the dock? You could already do it when you minized in place (but that's not an offical feature)

really good apple!

I can`t either..